So, with your tips I've deep looking on the config program.
And I've found the mapping for HID device.
I've make the key config for up and down keys.
And it's Work!
Really big thanks to you and the team that give this great mediacenter.
Cheers ;)
So, with your tips I've deep looking on the config program.
And I've found the mapping for HID device.
I've make the key config for...
How to scroll the line in the epg windows with titan extended skin?
I see the firts 11 channel lines but I cannot get the...
Many thanks for the answer.
So far I've used Logitech's Harmony hub. This allows you to control all components (including the media portal). I have now contacted the Sofabaton hotline. It should also work here like with the Harmony. Unfortunately, not all of the IR codes are correct. You can also learn commands here. But that doesn't...
Many thanks for the answer.
So far I've used Logitech's Harmony hub. This allows you to control all components (including the...
I don't have a complicated A/V system - a Sony A8H TV, Yamaha receiver, and a HTPC on which I run most media through MediaPortal. I...