is env var DXSDK_DIR defined ? check in cmdline
A quick fix would be to either comment the Call to LogOptions() in
or to swith the foreach statement to a for loop, which just minimizes the error condition.Code:WindowPlugins.GUITVSeries.TVSeriesPlugin.Init() in D:\svnroot\!PLUGINS\mptvseries - Master_BD\MP-TVSeries\TVSeriesPlugin.cs:line 475
So the only real solution would be, to make all Plugin Initializations Thread Safe
I set up a new botserver for vs2012 yesterday (on Server 2012) and had similar issues (just different msgs). Compiling filters was only possible when vs2010 was installed too.nstallation but requires the full VS2010 tool chain.
Problem in g_player.cs. Not caused by this series of build. Just one more thing that needs attention. Probably comes all down to the same root cause that you guys identified and is still left in some parts of MP.Yes, that is what it's doing (correctly), the 'internal' window dimensions are in the correct 16:9 ratio (I've checked that it is 1280 x 720), it's the aspect ratio of the actual video playing that is wrong (it's squashed vertically when it shouldn't be).
@for /F "tokens=1,2*" %%i in ('reg query "%1\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\WinSDK-NetFx35Tools" /v "InstallationFolder"') DO (
@if "%%i"=="InstallationFolder" (
@SET "WindowsSdkDir_35=%%k"
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\
IMFTrackedSample : public IUnknown
/* [annotation][in] */
__in IMFAsyncCallback *pSampleAllocator,
/* [unique][in] */ IUnknown *pUnkState) = 0;
Mantis - exist exactly for this reason.If MP is started in a window, 1.3.0 is OK, but new version appears to use the display instead of the window size/aspect ratio to work out the X/Y scaling (so the aspect ratio of the video is then incorrect).