It works fine for me.
I have attached my mytvFullScreen.xml for you to test mine and i haven't changed anything its just the latest updated one from mikael.
I've tried this with same result. I used a text comparer and your xml-file was the same as i used.
In case there is some misunderstanding of my problem; when clicking skip back and forward in timeshifted TV i don't see the -15sec -30sec and so on - the skipping occur, but I can't see for how long period i choose. For recorded TV and video it works fine.
I'm running MP 2.3.0 - and installed the SimpleMP-Beta-4.636 and I've installed the xml-updates found in this thread.
I have attached the screen shot of when i am watching timeshifted tv and i press the right arrow key on my keyboard 3 times and the text shows up fine for me.