Thinking about this now, I should have tried to reproduce as exactly as possible what I did when the error occurred.Loading external players is only done once per mediaportal session, so it should be present earlier and doesn't give a hint... Same holds for the Loadnotifies
Thank you . This problem has not occurred as frequently as in the past, but I cannot think of changes to the system, or my way of using it, that might have affected this. (I have altered the networking recently, by adding a second network card, but it seems unlikely that that would cause a reduction in occurrences.)The planescene..GUIVideooverlay looks like something interesting...
I'll see if I can find something or add more logging...
I use an old version of Blair Thompson's "X" editor. The version that I use is character based (a "CUI"), but there is a much newer version that may (or may not) be GUI based (I must get around to trying it someday). The comparison that I described above used the editor in the fashion of a blink comparator. I simply scrolled to the right until the timestamps in the log were off the left edge of the screen and then alternated between the two log files in the editing ring. However...Which editor is that where you compare logs? I'm always struggling to do an easy comparision without the timestamps.
Looking through my library of BAT files I see that I have a "logclean.bat" which removes all of the lines from "PowerScheduler", as nowadays those lines are merely noise (I am sure that they were useful when "PowerScheduler" was still being developed). The catch is that "logclean.bat" uses "delall.rex", which is the program that actually does the work:
:* logclean.bat
call delall.rex "[PS StandbyWakeup]" /R %*
call delall.rex "- PS: " /R %*
call delall.rex "*" /C:1-26 %*
Rexx is a "yasl" ("Yet Another Scripting Language"), but it is the one that I routinely use on my system for all scripting work. . I have just added the "/C" option to "delall.rex" to delete columns 1-26 (i.e. the timestamp in MP log files). You are welcome to have a copy of "delall.rex" if you wish, but the catch is that you will need to install a Rexx interpreter in order to run it. The good news is that there is a truly excellent open-source freeware Rexx interpreter called "Open Object Rexx", which can be downloaded from SourceForge. Note: the X editor uses Rexx as its macro language, so if you want to use X, you will need to install Rexx.
-- from CyberSimian in the UK