Status of Twinhan CI support (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
June 9, 2006
Status: Not working
Software: MediaPortal 0.2 RC4
Card Type: TwinhanDTV Cab-CI, DVB-C, model 2033
Card Software: TwinhanDTV 2.62
Card Drivers: BDADriver V1.0.1.6 (latest)
CAM: Conax 4.00e
DVB Provider: Canal Digital Cable TV, Norway
Scrambled: Yes

1. Installed hardware TwinhanDTV Cab-CI
2. Installed drivers 2.62 and BDA Driver (latest)
3. Figured out frequencies and sample rates for Canal Digital CableTV, Norway (354Mhz, Sample rate 6950, 64QAM, etc)
4. Updated Media Portal's CaptureCardDefinitions.xml and it recognizes the card. (with xml from the forum)
5. Created my own dvbc Canal Digital Norway.dvbc file with my frequencies.
6. Scanned for tv channels with Media Portal setup and found about 70 channels.
7! Problem: When showing TV under "My TV" menu in Media Portal the TV-windows turns black on most channels.
On exception is BBC World whichs displays the picture and sound for about 3 seconds and then turns black! If I open full screen when its black, I get a no signal detected message.

Twinhans own software and MyTheatre work fine.

I have posted some log files in the following thread:

Please help... :?


Portal Member
June 2, 2006
Status: almost Working
Card Type: Twinahn DVB-S (1032A)
BDA driver of 1.06.06
CAM: Dragon Cam
CAM Firmware: Predator 3.42
DVB Provider: Sky
Scrambled: no ( even thought I have a legit sky card)

can't get either Ch4 or 5 .. got a feeling it because of the CI interface, I've tried using the one off the twinhan website but that's automatically looks for MCE. Haven't managed to find a solution.. as yet


Portal Member
March 24, 2006
Status: working only unscrambled
Software: MediaPortal 0.2 RC4
Card Type: TwinhanDTV Cab-CI, DVB-C, model 2033
Card Software: TwinhanDTV 2.63 build 07
Card Drivers: BDADriver V1.0.2.1
CAM: Technisat Multicrypt (use Conax)
DVB Provider: Karneval,Czech Republic
Scrambled: No (I have valid Conax smart card)

In Twinhan DTV all channels works ok.

full log:


New Member
July 2, 2006
Harderwijk, the Netherlands
Status: Not Working
Card Type: Twinhan DTV Cab CI (VP-2033)
CAM: AlphaCrypt
CAM Firmware: v3.08
DVB Provider: Caiway (Harderwijk, Netherlands)
Scrambled: NO
Driver: Mantis BDA driver
MP: 0.2 RC4 + SVN 06/25

Scrambled channels work well in the TwinhanDTV app.


Portal Member
June 24, 2006

Status: Not Working
Card Type: Twinhan DTV Cab CI (VP-2033)
CAM: Conax
CAM Firmware: v3.03
DVB Provider: Comhem (jönköping, sweden)
Scrambled: No
Driver: Mantis BDA driver
MP: 0.2 + 07-08-2006 svn

channelscan did work, but no channels showing up, not even FTA.
Working in TwinhanDTV.


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 13, 2006
    Re: .

    Status: Not Working
    Card Type: Twinhan DTV Cab CI Mantis (VP-2033)
    CAM: Viaccess
    CAM Firmware: 4.84
    DVB-C Provider: TDC Denmark
    FTA: Yes
    Scrambled: No
    Driver: Mantis BDA driver
    MP: 0.2 + 07-10-2006 svn

    Scan works just fine, and all channels show up. But only FTA channels work :/ However MyTheatre works just fine, and if i start MyTheatre on one specific Channel (say TV3) and then close MT and switch to MediaPortal, then TV3 (and only TV3) works in MP... And also i have 1 scrambled channel (TV4) which works, but no sound...


    Portal Member
    August 24, 2005
    Status: Not Working
    Card Type: Twinhan DVB-S CI 1030A
    CAM: Matric Reborn ZCAS
    CAM Firmware: not important in this case
    DVB-S provider: Premiere
    FTA: No
    Scrambled: No
    Driver: Latest and WHQL WDM driver
    MP: 2.0

    The Twinhan software runs fine, both free to air as scrambled
    But mediaportal can not detect the card. WDM support is very imporatnt due to that CI support with BDA is a big problem.
    Never tested BDA driver cause of this.

    I saw some posts that the 1030 would not workn the 1032 would but how come that the twinhan software works then, windows does report no driver conflicts and yes, the card is visible in the configuration screen.

    I must admit, most HTPC software has problems to detect the card.

    Running on:

    Intel Mobile T2500 , 2Ghz dualcore
    MSI I945GT
    1GB DDRII 667Mhz Corsair

    So system works fine with twinhansoft, scrambled ok, HDTV (via mpeg2) fine, cpu use around 25-29% although first core has most to do .

    Why oh why has third party HTPC software soo many problems with drivers , even when windows detects the card and everything is fine in configuration screen. I would understand that the card would not work properly but not detectec at all?????


    Portal Member
    August 24, 2005
    Status: Changed to Working
    Card Type: Twinhan DVB-S CI 1030A
    CAM: Matric Reborn ZCAS
    CAM Firmware: not important in this case
    DVB-S provider: different
    FTA: Yes
    Scrambled: Yes
    Driver: WDM
    MP: 2.0

    Error was: faulty driver registered due to wrong link at twinhans site. works fine.


    Portal Member
    June 9, 2006
    Status: Not Working
    Card Type: Twinhan DTV Cab CI (VP-2033)
    CAM: Conax
    CAM Firmware: v4
    DVB Provider: Canal Digital, Norway
    Driver: Mantis BDA driver
    MP: 0.2 + 07-19-2006 svn

    Channel scan works fine, but Im getting a black screen when viewing TV on most of the channels.

    However there are some exceptions. ZTV, TV3 and Visjon Norge are working fine in MP. However my 70 other channels are not! :-(

    Im not able to see a pattern here. ZTV is scrambled, but TV3 and Visjon Norge are not.

    All channels work with TwinhanDTV and MyTheatre.


    Portal Member
    July 23, 2006
    Status: Working
    Card Type: Twinhan DTV Cab CI (VP-2031a)
    CAM: cablecrypt
    CAM Firmware: v3.5
    DVB Provider: multikabel, The netherlands (hoofddorp)
    Driver: BDA driver
    MP: 0.202

    the BIG disadvance is the slow zapping
    ,zapping to other canals are very slow 10-30 seconds
    with other software (twinhandtv sotware) it just 4 secs

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