StreamedMP skin for OnlineVideos plugin (2 Viewers)


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  • April 23, 2007
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    Also, would it be possible to make the highlighted icon more obvious? Maybe highlight with a blue border or something?


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  • December 15, 2007
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    Yeah definitely got 8 icons, and its not an issue of screen size not displaying all the icons, because when the cursor disappears, the description doesn't change, and the left arrow key doesn't bring the cursor back.

    I was testing with the "top rated" category in very funny videos.
    Well, I don't know... Which version of MP and StreamedMP are you using? I noticed the graphics are a bit different on your screen shot. Also, did you try with the big icons view, doe's it have the same problem?

    Also, would it be possible to make the highlighted icon more obvious? Maybe highlight with a blue border or something?
    I'll see what I can come up with. I just want to stay as close as possible to the original design of the StreamedMP skin.


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  • April 23, 2007
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    Yeah I'm still on 0.4.298 Streamed MP and 1.0.0 MP, so let's put it down to that. I need a cup of courage to get onto MP 1.0.1 and latest SteamedMP. 1.0.0 MP has just been sooooo stable. It seems about every 2nd or 3rd release of MP is a gem as far as stability / issues goes, so I've been waiting for MP 1.0.2. Will post back after I've upgraded if I still have the same problem. Thanks again for all the help Michel.


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  • December 15, 2007
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    Yeah I'm still on 0.4.298 Streamed MP and 1.0.0 MP, so let's put it down to that. I need a cup of courage to get onto MP 1.0.1 and latest SteamedMP. 1.0.0 MP has just been sooooo stable. It seems about every 2nd or 3rd release of MP is a gem as far as stability / issues goes, so I've been waiting for MP 1.0.2. Will post back after I've upgraded if I still have the same problem. Thanks again for all the help Michel.
    No problem. ;)


    Portal Pro
    January 6, 2009
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    hey everyone, i can't seem to find any version of onlinevideos higher than 5.1 can someone tell me where to find 7.1?
    i look forward to tinkering with this plugin. thanks MichelC!


    Portal Pro
    January 6, 2009
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    Thanks RoXor for getting back to me!
    so i got around to installing this plugin over the weekend, and i gotta say it's pretty awesome! it took some tinkering to get some of the issues (audio lag mainly) worked out. the one thing i was wondering is if anyone else is having playback issues with some of the flv's? i tried watching some of the movies on youtube, a bunch worked fine, but some were giving an error about an audio codec and .flv.
    i'm using MP 1.0.1 and the latest streamedmp. and the onlinevideos 8.4
    also using the CCCP codec pack.


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  • December 15, 2007
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    Hi antgash,

    I'm not sure I can help you but, did you check in this forum? I know there are information and discussions about the codecs needed to use the OnlineVideos plugin. You may find the answers you are looking for. ;)


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  • April 23, 2007
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    Hi Michel,

    Just to let you know.... just upgraded MP to 1.0.2 and StreamedMP 0.8.448 and my issues with the cursor disappearing in icon view have gone. So it was definitely an old skin issue.


    MP Donator
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  • December 15, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Hi globaldonkey,

    Excellent! I'm glad to know it wasn't something I broke. :D Thanks for letting me know.

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