StreamedMP skin for OnlineVideos plugin (5 Viewers)


New Member
July 22, 2007

hi there there first of all great work, but i got a question how can i get online videos to appear in the basichome view, in the streamedmp basichome editor i can't see it? So far i solved it by adding plugins in and enabling it there.

thanks in advance


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  • December 15, 2007
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    Hi ellocco,

    Which version of the StreamedMP skin are you using? I have version 0.8.448 (latest) and the option is there. It's listed as "myonlinevideos".
    Doe's this help you? :)


    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Will your skinfiles be added to the next release of StreamedMP or are they already included in the OnlineVideos plugin?

    The plugin installer also installs files for supporting StreamedMP so I am a bit confused, if I install the latest version of the plugin, do I have the latest version of the skinfiles for this plugin also?


    MP Donator
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  • December 15, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Will your skinfiles be added to the next release of StreamedMP or are they already included in the OnlineVideos plugin?

    The plugin installer also installs files for supporting StreamedMP so I am a bit confused, if I install the latest version of the plugin, do I have the latest version of the skinfiles for this plugin also?
    Well, let me try to clarify all this.

    First, if everything goes as planned, the skin files should be included in a StreamedMP release. Will it be the next one? I don't know. I'll submit the skin to the team when I'm satisfied with the result. :D

    Second, when I installed version 0.8.4 of the OnlineVideos plugin, the skin files installed were not up to date. I think Offbyone has many things to do right now and probably forgot to include the latest version of my skin. If you want to make sure you have the latest, just unzip the file located in the first post after installing OnlineVideos.
    I know it's not the ideal situation right now and things will get easier when everything become more stable. Remember, the plugin and the skin are still under development. :)

    In fact, check back soon everyone because I'm about to release version 1.0.0 of the skin. :cool:


    MP Donator
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  • December 15, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    New skin release for OnlineVideos plugin

    New release 1.0.0 available on the first post.

    I may consider to submit this one to the StreamedMP team. So if you have any comments or suggestions, now is the time. :)

    Thanks again for your interest in this skin for OnlineVideos.


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  • April 23, 2007
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    Nice work Michel. The icons look much better now the aspect ratio is right with them, and thanks for making the cursor highlight easier to spot too.


    MP Donator
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  • December 15, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Nice work Michel. The icons look much better now the aspect ratio is right with them, and thanks for making the cursor highlight easier to spot too.
    I'm glad you like it! :D

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