mr viggo:
I can include your skin next time I make a real release. Thanks.
Hey, Im using SVTPlay under Blue3 and all I did was move the xml file over to the folder... havent had any major issue... yet
Is there a way to have MP play the next title in line ? Say if you are in Svensson Svensson, to have it play the next episode...
Could you not publish this plugin under plugins on the homepage.
It took me a year to find this plugin by chance.
Best of all would be if you made a MSI file for it so people without any computerskill could
get it as well.
Now that the problem with preselected flashfiles is sorted, please try to sort out the low bitrate problem.
If you want to, sure go ahead. But it is far from a complete skin file. Only list view works, but that is at least a start Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to enhance it