Quick question. Does this tearing happens on both fullscreen or and windowed mode or only when MP runs windowed?
I've tried also using MPV but i'm also getting tearing. In other hand, ffdshow is the best codec that i've found because it allows to use filters and i get the best picture quality (blur filter, resize, posprocessing levels, etc). I want to ask you something, if i'm not getting tearing using another players, is because they doesn't use DirectX to show the movies?.
when you ask 'can u play any other content than .avis', do you mean mpgs, movs, and so on?
Quick question. Does this tearing happens on both fullscreen or and windowed mode or only when MP runs windowed?
Tearing is caused by MP using VMR9 without DirectX exclusive enabled. Most likely those other players are using overlay (overlay is not available with MP). So only way to fix the tearing when using MP is to get the DirextX exclusive mode to work.