Testbuilds for Native MP2 TV - Updated for 10th AE Update 1 (2014-09-13)! (1 Viewer)


Retired Team Member
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  • January 13, 2006
    @jehe: There is a thread right in this subforum about the MySQL Database Plugin. Standard is SQL CE but you can replace that Plugin with the MySQL plugin (has to be done manually at the moment)
    Hope that helps,


    Portal Pro
    February 15, 2011
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    In the error log I found the following error:

    [2013-02-22 17:27:22,804] [458825 ] [22 ] [DEBUG] - Anysee: loading API, API index = 1
    [2013-02-22 17:27:22,811] [458832 ] [22 ] [ERROR] - Anysee: failed to copy CIAPI.dll
    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Toegang tot het pad C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\TEAM MEDIAPORTAL\MP2-SERVER\PLUGINS\SLIMTV.SERVICE\PLUGINS\CUSTOMDEVICES\Resources\CIAPI1.dll is geweigerd.
    bij System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
    bij System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost)
    bij System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)
    bij Mediaportal.TV.Server.Plugins.CustomDevices.Anysee.Anysee.AnyseeCiApi..ctor()

    Can I use the plugin from post 14 ?


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Hi jehe,

    interesting issue... Problem occurs currently only when running MP2-Server as user process: then UAC prevents copying of files under the ProgramFiles folder. You can try to run MP2-Server as Administrator or set some less restrictive permissions on Plugins\SLIMTV.SERVICE folder.

    Background of this problem is, that mm implemented a "copy API dll per CAM" feature, so sharing issues are avoided.

    A solution will be the "MP2 Server as Service" branch, than it runs as local system and has the required privs.

    Thanks for testing :)



    Portal Pro
    August 15, 2010
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Hi again!
    But now I have the problem, that I can't open SetupTV.exe anymore. I stop the MP1-TVService, start the MP2-Server, open MP2 and can watch a channel successfully. So, the MP2-TVService should be running. But anyway, if I try to run SetupTV.exe, it tells me that the Service is not running.
    If I click then to start it, nothing happens, only the same message comes again.

    Forget that! If I start the server with admin-rights, the TV-setup is working ...


    Portal Pro
    August 15, 2010
    Home Country
    Austria Austria

    If I run the MP1-TVServer on a SQL-Express database, is it theoretically possible that this db gets messed up through changes in the
    MP2-db? Because after I deleted several channels in the MP2-TVConfig, suddenly a few channels vanished in the channel-mappings of the
    MP1-setup. Of course that happened at 20:00, so my wife could not watch her movie at 20:15 - So I'm f*@#ed for this weekend ...
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany

    I cannot imagine any situation where a change in MP2-TV could cause issue inside MP1. The reason is the whole database access technology:

    MP1:  SetupTv -> gentle -> MySQL<- gentle <- MP1 TV
    MP2: SetupTv -> WCF		  -> MP2-Server -> SQL CE/ MYSQL
    	 MP2 SlimTv -> UPnP	 ^^
    I cannot draw lines here, but what I want to explain is, that in MP2/TVE35 all communication with the active DB is only done over the MP2 server. There is no direct DB access from SetupTV.

    In contrast to this, MP1 uses gentle in both SetupTV and MP1 TV to access DB directly (from both "sides")

    @Sebastiii, @gibman: do you have any idea if there could still be code that could cause the described issue?

    Even the database and also tables probably have different names, so I really have no clue
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    Portal Pro
    August 15, 2010
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    OK. So I will just do some more tests and see what happens. What I forgot to mention: Of course I had an export-file. But even after reimporting it, the channels were missing in the mappings. Very strange.

    Another question: Isn't it possible to use SQL-Express also for the MP2-db?

    Greetings, Winnie


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 4, 2006
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    Denmark Denmark
    this is weird indeed.

    tve3.5 uses its own entity framework connection string.
    all gentle.net references has been removed.

    try and remove yet another channel in the mp2 context, then see if messes up the mp1 install.
    you can always take a backup of the SQL db before toying around.


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