What do you guys use to get your clearart/logos, album art etc., currently seems we have two options that are essentially doing the same thing.
Mepo tools and DVDart plugin.
dvdart has just been updated to add music artwork and is what i currently use, had a brief look at mepo tool and does have some extra stuff (youtube/fakecd) and probably some other stuff. they both download the artwork to different locations (more confusing the already messy thumbs folder) and of course there is already fanart handler, jamesons new music info handler which also now does artwork, and tvseries and movingpics that fetch their own artwork. (pity they dont all collaborate on one universal artwork plugin)
could be possible to have the theme display the artwork wether you use mepo or dvd art but if not i'll have to decide on one or the other.
Im sure both have advantages over the other so let me know what they are and which you'd prefer this theme to support.
It doesn´t matter which one of plugin I use. Only thing what matter is that I don´t need to change, for example, every cdart names if you want to see those in skins music plugin.