[Theme] Round Covers HD/DiscArt/ClearArt/ClearLogo/Artist Info (V3.2 10.09.14) (2 Viewers)


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  • September 28, 2010
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    What do you guys use to get your clearart/logos, album art etc., currently seems we have two options that are essentially doing the same thing.

    Mepo tools and DVDart plugin.

    dvdart has just been updated to add music artwork and is what i currently use, had a brief look at mepo tool and does have some extra stuff (youtube/fakecd) and probably some other stuff. they both download the artwork to different locations (more confusing the already messy thumbs folder) and of course there is already fanart handler, jamesons new music info handler which also now does artwork, and tvseries and movingpics that fetch their own artwork. (pity they dont all collaborate on one universal artwork plugin)

    could be possible to have the theme display the artwork wether you use mepo or dvd art but if not i'll have to decide on one or the other.

    Im sure both have advantages over the other so let me know what they are and which you'd prefer this theme to support.


    It doesn´t matter which one of plugin I use. Only thing what matter is that I don´t need to change, for example, every cdart names if you want to see those in skins music plugin.



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  • December 27, 2009
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    we are waiting an updated version

    Yes sorry, just been really busy recently what with running people over, bank robberies and an abundance of prostitutes etc. :)

    I'm hoping to get on it tonight.

    New version will be using Mepo tools so anyone waiting for the update should go ahead and get your artworks downloaded using the latest mepo tools. theme will use default mepo tools directories so use the auto fill button and you're good.


    Portal Member
    February 28, 2013
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    we are waiting an updated version

    Yes sorry, just been really busy recently what with running people over, bank robberies and an abundance of prostitutes etc. :)

    I'm hoping to get on it tonight.

    New version will be using Mepo tools so anyone waiting for the update should go ahead and get your artworks downloaded using the latest mepo tools. theme will use default mepo tools directories so use the auto fill button and you're good.
    its great:)


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  • December 27, 2009
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    New version uploaded to 1st post.


    Revert to ZIP installation
    Changed from DVDArt to MePo Tools compatibility
    Fixed issue of now playing screen not updating from, scrobbling/obm/playlists (Huge thanks to @murnaz )

    you will need to run Mepo tools to have the artwork show in this version, use the default locations from the autofill.

    This is just a quick update, not yet looked into fakecd support or added music banners.


    MP Donator
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  • December 27, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    New skin version released.
    Do you need update mod for new skin?


    its spins only blank cd and no clear art
    is the folders place change?

    Yes, you need to use MePo tools to get your artwork for this version.


    New skin version released.
    Do you need update mod for new skin?

    Actually yes maybe, since updating, TVSeries clearart isn't working but i can't see any reason why it is not.

    @ltfearme any reason why this wouldn't show after todays update?

          <animation effect="fade" time="250" delay="0">WindowClose</animation>

    Temporarily removed it from the 1st post as found an issue with hidden menu also, has been fixed but want to fix TVSeries ClearArt before re uploading.
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    October 21, 2007
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    Hi Shango,
    I don't know if it can help, but I've made few changes to your files and added 2 more. Now they are working fine in TVseries and Music with CleartArt provided by MePo Tools.
    Here attached you can find the modified files!

    Any chance to add in a new release skin file for MyFilm plugin?



    • Round Covers_Art.rar
      37.6 KB

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