I am using ipaq as an external touchscreen with sidewindow, but sidewindow set´s the res at 1280x1024 and display virtual res at 1024x768.
Here is the prob. Touchscreen plugin thinks the screen is at 1280x1024 but it´s really at 1024x768. is there any way to trick touchscreen plugin to take the virtual res insted of the fixed one?
Is there any way to tell touchsreen plugin what res my screen is at?
I am using ipaq as an external touchscreen with sidewindow, but sidewindow set´s the res at 1280x1024 and display virtual res at 1024x768.
Here is the prob. Touchscreen plugin thinks the screen is at 1280x1024 but it´s really at 1024x768. is there any way to trick touchscreen plugin to take the virtual res insted of the fixed one?
Is there any way to tell touchsreen plugin what res my screen is at?