TV Server Plugin: TvWishList (3 Viewers)


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  • May 29, 2011
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Sending mail function.

    Just one little issue.
    Here in Denmark, all internet providers have, (To stop spam from private pc's), blokked smtp port 25.
    And instead they are providing their own smtp server to the customers.
    This smtp access the provider controlls by only allowing costumers on their network to use it, so they do it by IP or something similar.
    The problem is, there is no username and password, but your plugin won't accept me putting in a smtp server, and leave the username and pwd field blank.

    to give some examples, if you want to send mail as a:

    TDC subscriber, you would use - no user no pwd
    TeleNor subscriber, you would use - no user, no pwd

    and so on

    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • May 1, 2009
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    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    This smtp access the provider controlls by only allowing costumers on their network to use it, so they do it by IP or something similar.
    The problem is, there is no username and password, but your plugin won't accept me putting in a smtp server, and leave the username and pwd field blank.

    Did you try to add some (fictitious) name and password? TvWishList will be satisfied and your provider will not mind. :D



    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    mabdk, I will do a new testversion for you soon skipping the empty password and username check


    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    can you try the attached test version and send me a log file from the TV server with the verbose setting?
    All account information (Username, password and email address) should be empty for you


    • TvWishList.Ver.
      4.6 MB


    Extension Developer
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Ben, I have not changed the recording algorithm, just the changes and tests for mabdk and HomeY


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    The 'recording counter' issue also happened when i checked all days. Upgraded to latest and will let you know how it goes.
    @huha After testing it for a week, i think i can say this works good now. Tried to trigger the issue with some (random) manual scans, but every morning the EPG is checked according to the planned schedule ;)
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    Portal Pro
    February 20, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I installed the TVServer on a separate computer. Now I will enter the TvWishList folder of the TVServer in the configuration of the MPplugin like in Version, but I can not find this menu item in the MPplugin configuration.
    Where can I find this item at the configuration of the MPplugin?

    Last edited:


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Now I will enter the TvWishList folder of the TVServer in the configuration of the MPplugin like in Version, but I can not find this menu item in the MPplugin configuration.
    Where can I find this item at the configuration of the MPplugin?
    That's not needed anymore ;)


    Portal Pro
    July 13, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    I have been using TVWishlist for some time now and it has always seemed to be working fine. Yesterday I had a problem. I wanted to add a new program that previously I had been recording using the "weekly on this channel" option within MP. This has been working fine for a program running on BBC1 which, apart from perhaps 2 or times a year is only shown weekly on a Saturday evening (it's called Casualty and my wife is a big fan!). This weekend was the end of the current series and there was a 2 part special, one on Saturday as usual and one on Sunday. It's then shutting down until the Olympics are over. I wanted to add the Sunday evening show by adding a schedule to Wishlist to record anytime between 09:00 and 23:59 on any day of the week, BBC1 only as this would then neatly solve the return schedules as this could well also be with a 2 part special. I did this yesterday morning and ran the search. Wishlist consistently refused to schedule the Sunday evening show and the onscreen data from the result showed 1 conflict. As the show no longer appears anywhere else in the schedules (as I said, Olympics) this could only refer to the Sunday evening show. There were NO other shows scheduled for that time. I decided to look into the log to see if I could work out what the problem is but this only confused me even more. The TvWishList.log file is attached. Confusion arises because it seems to be looking for programs that I have NEVER recorded using Wishlist (most of the programs mentioned in the log actually) whereas it seems to think that Casualty is not in the EPG. It definitely is because I recorded it manually. The block of messages starting at 11:31:58.082600 contains all the results from one EPG search when I can guarantee that there were no clashes with any other recording and the the program called Casualty was definitely in the schedules for later that evening.

    Are all these error messages in the log right?

    I also have the TV.log file if you want it but a quick look suggests that your own log contains all the same messages relating to the TVWishList search.

    Hope you can help

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