[solved] TV service (EPG grabbing while idle) prevents Windows Standby (3 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 7, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Do you have any from the providers BR or ZDFmobil? I don't have cable and MTV so I was looking for something I could compare.
    With my cable provider PYUR the providers are named as follows:
    ARD e. g. channel "BR"
    ZDFvision e. g. channel "ZDF"


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 7, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    This is as predicted by @joecrow . (y)
    So Germany is one of those countries where you need to grab from one channel in each MUX.

    In terms of the limits:
    • The maximum number of grabber channels required is equal to the number of MUXes (one channel from each MUX).
    • The minimum number of grabber channels required is one (one channel from one MUX; this is the situation in the UK).
    But in general the optimal number of grabber channels may be between these two limits (for example, if one provider owns more than one MUX).

    The empirical way to arrive at the optimal setup is now to select one of the major channels that still lacks EPG info (probably from a different provider), and then use "Manual Control" to reload the EPG and review the results in the MP client. Keep repeating this until all channels have EPG info.

    Once you have a complete EPG using the optimal number of grabber channels, we can look at your "PowerScheduler" settings to arrive at the best setup for your HTPC.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK

    With the new configuration, with only 13 grabber channels, the EPG scan is completed in about half an hour.
    But, as expected, the actual issue remains: As long as the EPG scan runs, Windows is prevented from Standby mode. As soon as the EPG scan is completed, Windows goes to Standby mode.

    I think this is a general issue, independant from power settings. Can someone else confirm?


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 7, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hello framug,

    currently I use the Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD tuner but it was the same with my single tuner before.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
    Home Country
    France France
    OK then, I give you my point of view :
    I'm not sure grabbing epg prevent windows sleep is an issue.
    The same when you watch live TV.
    On live TV, you are always in timeshifting mode.
    You would not want your computer going to sleep, isn't it ?
    Then, if tuners are used, for me, no sleeping is normal.
    You wrote your EPG take half an hour for being complete.
    Then, after 1/2 hour, your PC go to sleep, right ?
    Finally, is it a problem ?
    Even if it seems to not work for all people and, because now, you have made a bit deep test for EPG, I would sugest you to try this and see if it save you grab time.


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 7, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Thanks for your comment.
    I personally consider the EPG scan as a low priority background task which can be paused and resumed at anytime. But people may have different preferences here.
    There's a Power Scheduler option if the EPG scan prevents Windows from Standby mode:

    But it doesn't take effect.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
    Home Country
    France France
    Maybe because when powerscheduler plugin has been dev, MP put PC in sleep while grabbing where, it shouldn't be ;)
    BTW, need to see in PS plugin what this setting really make. :)


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 7, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Yes, this would be interesting to know.
    If this option doesn't work it should be repaired or removed.


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    With the new configuration, with only 13 grabber channels, the EPG scan is completed in about half an hour.
    Thank you for reporting this :). I was curious about how many MUXes a DVB-C system has, and how long the EPG grab would take. Now I know. (y)

    As long as the EPG scan runs, Windows is prevented from Standby mode. As soon as the EPG scan is completed, Windows goes to Standby mode.
    If you finish watching live TV and press the POWER button on the remote control to "switch off" the HTPC, the HTPC will continue to run if it is overdue for an idle EPG grab and no recording is occurring. However, the HTPC should transition to away mode when you press the POWER button. Away mode stops video output to the TV.

    Personally, I don't like the HTPC continuing to run when I press the POWER button -- I want it to power off immediately (if it is not recording). This is why I have set up my HTPC to grab the EPG once per day using the idle grabber at a time when the HTPC is not normally in use (at 06:00 for me). I would recommend that you do the same (set "Refresh every" to 1440 minutes or just under).

    Then, if tuners are used, for me, no sleeping is normal.
    You wrote your EPG take half an hour for being complete.
    Then, after 1/2 hour, your PC go to sleep, right ?
    I agree with @framug that Windows should not sleep or hibernate whilst the idle grabber is working, and this is how MP is behaving.

    There's a Power Scheduler option if the EPG scan prevents Windows from Standby mode:
    But it doesn't take effect.
    I don't use "PowerScheduler" to trigger EPG grabbing, so my knowledge here may be imperfect :eek:. But my reading of the Wiki is that the settings shown on the "EPG" tab apply only if "PowerScheduler" triggers the EPG grab. The Wiki says this:

    If no day is selected, EPG grabbing will not be started by PowerScheduler.

    Now EPG grabbing can occur even when not started by "PowerScheduler", but none of those "PowerScheduler" settings will apply in that case. At least, that is my interpretation.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK

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