Thanks to eeknz for providing me a vpn, it's working again!
Must say, more or less working, because I still have some issues where the videos/categories don't quite match those in the ps3 xml's
Edit: Almost forgot iSky... but it seems that you have to pay become a sky subscriber...
So, (guess I'm beginning to sound repetetive) is anyone willing to share his/her credentials with me?
Hi. This is sounding very promising, it would be great to get this working. Could I ask you to also have a quick look at the TV3NZ site as well while you have the VPN. It's the other major provider of free-to-air TV here in New Zealand and like TVNZonDemand it just doesn't seem to find the videos via Onlinevideos plugin... I can't afford iSky ;-)
Thanks for your efforts on this!!
Wow, last time I check last week, lots of missing videos. Currently can't see any missing videos.
There is however an error when I choose the "Title (A-Z)" category.
One thing I'd like to comment, it would be good if a description of the video could be parsed, or a date, as often there are multiple videos with exactly the same title, see attached screenshot.
Here are some of the videos that don't work
'All Shows' -> 'A' -> 'Airtime' ; the videos give a no url error