How has the retune for uk freeview gone for you today
I'm not able to tune to bbc 1 or bbc2 , transmitter winterhill , 786167 khz
Anyone else having problems with the retune
I had to create my own file in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\TuningParameters\dvbt for my local relay which was switched over today, maybe yours needs editing if they've moved frequencies?
OK, what you need to do is a) find out what they've re-tuned it to, and then b) edit the file in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\TuningParameters\dvbt which contains the tuning information to make sure it includes the correct frequencies.
yes sorry i ment freeview , edited post now , something has happened for me not to be able to tune into freeview -feq 786167 khz winterhill, this is on mediaportal ver 1.1.0BETA_1 and 1.0.2, both version will not tune in, the freq i have are ...
The only one that wont tune in is the feq 786167 khz winterhill
no bbc channels
Anyone else use the winterhill transponder , Thanks for any help
> The only one that wont tune in is the feq 786167 khz winterhill
Right, from which, we can perhaps infer that they have *re-tuned* it and moved the mux to some other frequency.
Have you done any research into what today's retune entailed?
Thanks jonm on your help with this , will have to instal,l mediaportal ver 1.1.0BETA_1, that ver gives you the option to enter the single freq in tv sever configs,
Not sure you need to re-install anything but I can't comment on the differences between 1.0 and 1.1 in this area sorry. I've only just today got DVB-T working at all myself as our transmitter was only switched on today, so I've only ever tried it with 1.1 beta, and as I said earlier I had to create my own file with the right frequencies for my transmitter. Have you looked at the files in the directory mentioned above to see if there's one in there for Winter Hill that you can edit?
Thanks jonm, found the folder with the TuningParameters for winterhill and changed them , but freq 786167 khz , still wont tune no signal, need to find out if it has changed, and to what, to edit it in the TuningParameters
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MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Database changed
MariaDB [mptvdb]> SELECT * FROM Server;
| idServer | isMaster | hostName | rtspPort |
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
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