Updated iMON (Soundgraph) LCD Driver (1 Viewer)

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Portal Pro
September 24, 2007
Home Country
Spain Spain
Try shutting down the VFD process and then running MediaPortal.... It shouldn't make a difference, but just to be sure... give it a try and let me know... Also... try the 09_24_2007 version... it fixed some bugs with the VFD support...

I tryed with killed VFD process and nothing displays... :-(

Installed the 09_24_2007 ... no success.

Also... would you please copy the SG_RC.dll into your MediaPortal Directory, and configure the display type to Autodetect, then post the MediaPortal.log (so I can get the hardware and firmware ID'd for the Antec V2 hardware... Thanks.

OK configured autodetect. log file is attached.

THX a lot.


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
Same pb with rc2 and ultimate SVN of this day.

LCd is funcionning

Sorry for my englih and thank you for this excellent work.


Umm..... I'm not sure if you are saying that it works or that there is still a problem?!?!
You display is working.... that's good! but it still gives errors???
Please post your logs... thanks.

I tryed with killed VFD process and nothing displays... :-(

Installed the 09_24_2007 ... no success.

OK configured autodetect. log file is attached.

Your logs don't correspond to the hardware you have installed!?!?!
You said you have an Antec V2 case... That case included the Antec VFD display with a remote receiver...
Your logs say that the Antec VFD Manager is configured to run an LCD...

Also... It doesn't look like you copied the SG_RC.dll to the mediaportal directory, so there is no indication of what the hardware actually is... Is your case black with a silver front or black with a black front?

Does the display work with the Antec VFD software?

Try running the VFD software and enabling the display.... Does the VFD software drive the display??
I'm beginnning to suspect that your hardware has locked.... If the VFD software won't drive the display, do a complete shutdown and power off (using the switch at the back of the case... or by removing the power cord. The Antec devices (both VFD and LCD seem to be very susceptible to hardware locks...)


Portal Pro
September 24, 2007
Home Country
Spain Spain
Well , thats really strange. I was also thinking about a hardware error. But the VFD software form antec displays time, and sysyem infomation after startup. The only thing I have never seen is the two lines configured in the software saying "welcome antec" etc... but I tried with winamp and the display shows title information so I supose that it should work.

I show you a pic of my panel where you can see a sticker saying "LCD-ILKO-AT-B" :confused:


Also... It doesn't look like you copied the SG_RC.dll to the mediaportal directory, so there is no indication of what the hardware actually is... Is your case black with a silver front or black with a black front?

Yes I copied the SG_RC.dll to the MP directory. And the case is black with black front.


Portal Pro
February 6, 2007
error in Configuration.exe

The LCd is funcionning but i have this message error in the configuration.exe:

"MediaPortal.ProcessPlugins.MusicDBReorg.MusicDBRe org.
It's incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded"

Thank You.



Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
Well , thats really strange. I was also thinking about a hardware error. But the VFD software form antec displays time, and sysyem infomation after startup. The only thing I have never seen is the two lines configured in the software saying "welcome antec" etc... but I tried with winamp and the display shows title information so I supose that it should work.
Ok.. That eliminate a hardware problem...

And the case is black with black front.
So you have the Antec Black (Model 420/430) not the Antec V2... so you definately have an LCD not a VFD... At least that eliminates one small mystery.

Yes I copied the SG_RC.dll to the MP directory.

So.. that means that the driver is not able to open the DLL...
What version of the Antec software do you have installed? The one on the CD that is packaged with the case or the one that is available for download from Antec? If not, please uninstall your existing Antec software, download the latest from Antec and install it... Then try the MediaPortal driver again...

The LCd is funcionning but i have this message error in the configuration.exe:

"MediaPortal.ProcessPlugins.MusicDBReorg.MusicDBRe org.
It's incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded"

Thank You.


The configuration log does not show this error... I need to see the mediaportal.log as well

BTW... The SG_VFD.dll goes in the MediaPortal directory... not the MediaPortal/plugins/process directory.


Portal Pro
September 24, 2007
Home Country
Spain Spain
What version of the Antec software do you have installed? The one on the CD that is packaged with the case or the one that is available for download from Antec? If not, please uninstall your existing Antec software, download the latest from Antec and install it... Then try the MediaPortal driver again...

I tried with both. Actually I have installed the one from the website. I saw that it works aleatory. Before I saw a frozen message displaying the channel and program I was recording. but it only was visible in a spiky angel from above.


Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
I saw that it works aleatory.

I'm sorry.... I don't know what you are trying to say....

Before I saw a frozen message displaying the channel and program I was recording. but it only was visible in a spiky angel from above.

If you are seeing a bright white (well... blue actually) screen, you probably have the contrast set far too high... run configure.exe and set the contrast down almost all the way to the left... see if that makes a difference.



Portal Pro
September 24, 2007
Home Country
Spain Spain
it really seems that it was the contrast. :oops: the display now showing all messeges, but after changing quickly the menu it hangs. the only way to get it working again is to powerdown and unplug te powersupply for some seconds.



Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Canada Canada
thank you for your reply. i make the driver in mediaportsal root. same problem.

my logs.


You still have SG_VFD.dll in the LCDDrivers folder... but that's a relatively innocuous problem...

I found the problem in the iMONLCDg driver.... It doesn't affter Mediaportal operation or the drivers operation... It will be fixed in the next release.

it really seems that it was the contrast. :oops: the display now showing all messeges, but after changing quickly the menu it hangs. the only way to get it working again is to powerdown and unplug te powersupply for some seconds.


Glad we finally figured out the problem.... 8-}

As for the hardware locking up.... Nothing I can do about that.... The Soundgraph hardware and OS drivers are unstable at the best of times... Make sure that the hardware drivers are the latest from Antec... that's the best that can be done at the moment... hopefully the hardware drivers will change now that Soundgraph has iMON v6.2 in betra... but judging from past experience... don't expect too much from Soundgraph...
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