Updated iMON (Soundgraph) LCD Driver (3 Viewers)

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  • October 1, 2007
    Roma, Italia
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    Cybrmage,without extensive logging my LCD crashed again.It's possible that "extensive logging" it's somehow enabled and not creating logs but only messing up the LCD?:confused:


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 28, 2006
    Milano, Italy
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    just installed 16429 clean, MP crash again ;-(

    1) Install RC3
    2) Install 16429 SVN
    3) Delete SG_*.DLL from MP base dir
    4) Launch MP: error log is log_16429_startup_error.zip

    5) Copy SG_VFD.DLL in MP base dir and in plugins directory
    6) Launch MP: error log is log_16429_startup_error2.zip



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  • September 28, 2006
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    found the issue my fault:sorry:

    I left a ProcessPluginsBackup.dll renamed in the plugins directory. Due to MP enumerating and trying to load all DLL in that dir, I get the error.

    So leaving there only your new ProcessPlugins.dll and not the backup + deleting all SG_VFD*.DLL and SG_LCD.DLL from MP base dir + copying by hand SG_VFD.DLL in plugins directory make the trick.

    I tried it once again to be sure this time on a clean install of the 16429 SVN and it works smoothly for me.



    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Let me clarify.... I use Antec hardware... The iMON software does not work with Antec hardware unless it is patched... The patched version of v6.2 will drive the VFD display but does not drive the the LCD or the RC hardware... and the patched v6.2 crashes.... So... Although it does drive the VFD, I don't use it because it is not stable.

    just installed 16429 clean, MP crash again ;-(

    Although you have done a clean install of MediaPortal, You have not installed the latest iMONLCDg driver... You are still using the driver ( the 10_28_2007 version ) without the Vista workarounds...

    I have the same problem of Pretoriano with equalizor.

    I'm sorry... what problem??? Are you using the the Core.dll from the 11_01_2007 driver package and MediaPortal is crashing?? Or are you using an SVN build with the BassAudio.cs changes already in them and the driver is crashing MediaPortal?? You are also not including logs, so I can't tell what is going on...

    chemelli said:
    found the problem
    ok... good... glad you found it....

    btw... I hate it when I compose a reply to someone... and they post another message before I finish composing and actually post.... I hate it even more when I don't notice their new post for 7 hours... sorry 8-}... didn't mean to ignore you!


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Here is an another updated driver (build with SVN 16434)... and NEW INSTRUCTIONS!!

    Changed: Don't try to copy the DLL from the Antec/SoundGraph installation if the OSVersion is > 5 (XP and below < 6, Vista = 6) (this is a temporary fix... still working on a way to get the correct DLL copied for both Vista and XP)

    Added: Option to force use of the V3 SG_VFD.dll if a VFD display is used (either forced or autodetected). (For those people whose hardware will not work with the V5+ DLL... What a pain!!! (The problems with the DLLs and hardware... not the users that have this problem 8-}))

    Changed: In advanced settings, disable the options that are not valid for the display type that is selected.

    JoeDalton has committed the changes that chemelli suggested to SVN... These changes (can) cause problems with the iMON software.... But since he is away for the next week, a new set of instructions are required until he is back and we can get the current changes committed to SVN.

    New Instructions:

    1) install the current SVN snapshot.
    2a) If you are running on Windows Vista, move the SG_VFD.dll that is in the MediaPortal directory to the MediaPortal\plugins directory.
    2b) If you are running on Windows XP, delete the SG_VFD.dll that is in the MediaPortal directory.
    3) rename the SG_VFDv3.dll in the MediaPortal directory to SG_VFD.dll.
    4) extract the ProcessPlugins.dll to your MediaPortal\plugins\process directory.
    5) run configure.exe, enable the ExternalDisplay plugin.
    6) Select the "SoundGraph iMON Integrated USB VFD/LCD Driver V11_03_2007" driver.
    7) configure the text and/or graphics parameters for the display.
    8) Click on "advanced" and select the advanced options you desire to use.
    9) do whatever other configuration tasks are required for your setup.
    10) Exit configure.exe and save your changed.
    11) run mediaportal.
    12) Post any errors or anomalies your find.... With logs (configuration.log and/or mediaportal.log is sufficient)



    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Here is a version with an attempt at a proper fix for Vista...

    If someone who is running Vista could test this for me and post the mediaportal.log, it would be greately apreciated... Thanks.

    Vista test Instructions:

    1) install the current SVN snapshot.
    2) delete the SG_VFD.dll that is in the MediaPortal directory.
    3) delete the SG_VFD.dll that is in the MediaPortal\plugins directory, if it exists.
    3) rename the SG_VFDv3.dll in the MediaPortal directory to SG_VFD.dll.
    4) extract the ProcessPlugins.dll to your MediaPortal\plugins\process directory.
    5) run configure.exe, enable the ExternalDisplay plugin.
    6) Select the "SoundGraph iMON Integrated USB VFD/LCD Driver V11_03_2007" driver.
    7) configure the text and/or graphics parameters for the display.
    8) Click on "advanced" and select the advanced options you desire to use.
    9) do whatever other configuration tasks are required for your setup.
    10) Exit configure.exe and save your changed.
    11) run mediaportal.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 28, 2006
    Milano, Italy
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    Italy Italy

    I will test lateerthis night or tomorrow morning.



    Retired Team Member
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  • October 1, 2007
    Roma, Italia
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    Romania Romania
    Hi cybrmage,my LCD still crash(XP SP2&Vista tested)if not using extensive logging,very strange,and increasing scroll delay like you said don't work,this way the crash it's instantly.:(
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