Updated iMON (Soundgraph) LCD Driver (2 Viewers)

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Portal Pro
October 11, 2008
Home Country
Iceland Iceland
Hello here,
I am a newcomer to MP.
I owe an Antec Micro Fusion 350 case with an integrated imon LCD.

I met the same problem to some of view : while cyberdisplay is enabled, no more remote.

You are lucky, I found a working configuration, but the plugin must be slightly modified (i did not find anything in order to parametrise it the way it need to be).

Let me explain shortly : if you start MP windowed and go into iMon manager and look at the Frontview settings, it comes to be disabled (set on "Never"). I just need to enabled it back (set to "always", and... tada !
No need to say that it is disabled each time cyberdisplay is enabled, no matter you set imon manager frontview in "Automatic" mode or "Always" mode : as soon you restart MP, it is disabled. This does not occur when the plugin is disabled...

I need to precise that I drive my HTPC with a logitech Harmony 555 set up as an MCE remote, and I have set up a MCE profile in imon manager for MP.

I use the ShortCutter Plugin (for MyTV, My Music, etc... shortcuts that are relayed by my iMon manager profile), Caps Lock enabled in order to make the number keys of the remote working.

I have installed latest 7.40 imon manager (without imedian).

I resume again : Cyberdisplay should not (if it does) turn of the frontview !

For Cyberdisplay config :
- I left everything unchecked on the main setup window
- in the "Advanced" Window :
delay driver... checked
the five following checkboxes : unchecked
monitor powerstateevent : checked (I do not why i did it... so it has nothing to see with our remote problem)

I just have to precise that the remote is still working (i.e. : Frontview not disabled) with the ExternalDisplay plugin (but it is not as nice as Cyberdisplay).

Thank you very very much if if you provide an update or tell me wich parameter I missed.
Just that, and I will be the happiest in this world !


I'm using a imon lcd in my thermaltake dh101. I ran into the same problems you have. When cyberdisplay restarts the imon manager it would stop the remote. I found a solution that works 90% of the time. In the settings, I have not checked "force graphical text" - this gives me 2 lines of text. In advanced, I checked restart Imon on exit. Do not check delay, or restart imon before driver. I found if the plugin starts fast enough, it will leave the display on even though it changes the imon options to never. -- in fact, I can get it working again by, reenabling imon to always -- click ok -- then use regedit to set hkcurrentuser\software\soundgraph\imon\runfront to 0 (this gets rid of frontview trying to display things at the same time.)

Also I tried a few changes to the cyberdisplay xml files in docsandsettings\all users\app data\team mediaportal\mediaportal to look like these:

xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Type="iMONLCDg" ControlScreenSaver="false" EnableLCDHype="true" DisableGUISetup="true" ShowPropertyBrowser="false" Port="USB" TextWidth="16" TextHeight="2" GraphicWidth="96" GraphicHeight="16" TextComDelay="1" GraphicComDelay="1" BlankOnExit="false" BackLightControl="true" Backlight="201" ContrastControl="false" Contrast="86" ScrollDelay="100" CharsToScroll="1" PrefixChar="" ExtensiveLogging="false" Font="Tahoma" FontSize="10" ForceGraphicText="false" PixelsToScroll="10" Shutdown1="" Shutdown2="">

DisplayType="AutoDetect" VFD_UseV3DLL="false" MonitorPowerState="true" UseRC="true" RemoteType="MCE" DisableRepeat="true" RepeatDelay="4" DelayStartup="false" EnsureManagerStartup="false" ForceManagerRestart="false" RestartFrontviewOnExit="true" ForceKeyBoardMode="false" VolumeDisplay="true" ProgressDisplay="true" DiskIcon="true" DiskMediaStatus="true" DeviceMonitor="true" BlankDisplayWithVideo="false" EnableDisplayAction="false" EnableDisplayActionTime="15" BlankDisplayWhenIdle="false" BlankIdleTime="30" EqDisplay="true" NormalEQ="true" StereoEQ="false" VUmeter="false" VUmeter2="false" VUindicators="false" EqMode="0" SmoothEQ="false" RestrictEQ="true" EqRate="30" DelayEQ="false" DelayEqTime="10" EQTitleDisplay="true" EQTitleDisplayTime="30" EQTitleShowTime="14" UseCustomFont="false" UseLargeIcons="true" UseCustomIcons="true" UseInvertedIcons="false"

I'm not sure which parameter made the difference, but I'm not going to try to break it again. Hope some of these work for you.


ps, I can't use IRss because it doesn't let my front case buttons or volume/mute knob work.


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  • September 28, 2006
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    ps, I can't use IRss because it doesn't let my front case buttons or volume/mute knob work.

    In IRSS those are defined, maybe some keys are wrong/missing.
    Can you please upload here IR logs when those buttons are not working ?




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  • September 28, 2006
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    In the settings, I have not checked "force graphical text" - this gives me 2 lines of text. In advanced, I checked restart Imon on exit. Do not check delay, or restart imon before driver. I found if the plugin starts fast enough, it will leave the display on even though it changes the imon options to never. -- in fact, I can get it working again by, reenabling imon to always -- click ok -- then use regedit to set hkcurrentuser\software\soundgraph\imon\runfront to 0 (this gets rid of frontview trying to display things at the same time.)

    Reading it again carefully I found that this is the exactly reason why I added a new option to this great plugin: "Force reload during driver start".

    You can just rename your xml config files, update to latest version, reconfigure using this new option and test.
    If it's not working, simply restore the cfg files.

    Let us know if this fix your issue or not.

    But I have to say that I still think that IRSS is the way to go, you don't need iMON at all ( disable it from starting using msconfig ).



    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland
    Reading it again carefully I found that this is the exactly reason why I added a new option to this great plugin: "Force reload during driver start".

    You can just rename your xml config files, update to latest version, reconfigure using this new option and test.
    If it's not working, simply restore the cfg files.

    Let us know if this fix your issue or not.

    But I have to say that I still think that IRSS is the way to go, you don't need iMON at all ( disable it from starting using msconfig ).


    Hi Simone,

    I tried to get IRSS working with every version of IMON, 6, 7.2, 7.4. I also have a usb-uirt that I use for blasting so I was able to test the IRSS server was setup okay. No matter what I tried, I got no input from the Imon using the debug client or in the logs. The best I got was the arrow and number keys working on the remote, but this happens without anything occurring on the logs and without any input registered on the debug client. I think I have a newer version of the hardware 380208. I did run tests using the hidtester.exe from usb-uirt website, I get valid hid input from the remote. The front panel does not go through that program though, it is not seen.

    I'll make a backup image then I'll test whatever you want to try out. I need a solution that let's everything work though. I did try all the builds of the Imon updates in the IRSS server thread, without luck. I gave it a full week of effort trying to get it running. The logs get no errors and if I set up the usb-uirt as a receiver at the same time as the imon, I get input in the debug client from usb-uirt using the remote -- no input from the Imon. I did naturally test with the usb-uirt unplugged as well.


    I'll get a backup made today.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 28, 2006
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    Please test using iMON_7_40_0806.zip and IR Server Suite - Test Build

    Also try without the CybrDisplayPlugin and if and only if all is working try enabling it again.



    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland
    Please test using iMON_7_40_0806.zip and IR Server Suite - Test Build

    Also try without the CybrDisplayPlugin and if and only if all is working try enabling it again.



    Where do I find this version? I've searched but no luck. -- nevermind



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  • May 16, 2008
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    Where do I find this version? I've searched but no luck. -- nevermind
    Set your Frontview update option to "automatic" and reboot. Shortly after you should see a popup that informs you that a new version is available that can be installed by clicking the popup.

    Regards, HTPC_Sourcer


    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland

    No Luck on first test.

    attaching logs. no messages or response from remote.

    no mp testing on this post.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 28, 2006
    Milano, Italy
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    No Luck on first test.

    attaching logs. no messages or response from remote.

    no mp testing on this post.

    Look at your input service.log, there are some errors. Please test again after update your imon pad.xml with the attached one.



    • Imon PAD.xml
      30.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland
    ok, still no input on debug client. remote will input the numbers in notepad and the enter key.
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