VLC 0.9.x External Player Plugin (1 Viewer)


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  • July 20, 2006
    Yes, Zip file and Rar files are support in 1.0.0:
    http://www.videolan.org/developers/vlc/NEWS, but it seems there are some trouble with rar with high compression. Have a look on "Changes between 0.9.9a and 1.0.0-rc1: \ Access".

    so didn't know about Vlc External plugin. :)


    Portal Member
    October 20, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    How to get vlc plugin to play .iso?
    Yes i can se all my iso files in MP video lib.

    I don't want to use deamoon tool when vlc can play .iso.
    I have tried to use vlc as a external player but MP don't open VLC with .iso

    And the same when i have the VLC plugin enabled
    .iso is not listed in MP config./plugins/External Player/VideoLAN/Extensions
    Is this way?

    System Config:
    Windows XP Pro
    VLC 0.9.x External Player Plugin 0.2.x.x - Enabled
    - Extensions = All Video, All Audio


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 20, 2006
    For the moment you can only access to specified extensions in VLC configuration. It means you cannot use Iso extensions in VLC Plugin.

    In next version VLC Plugin will have the same extension as Mediaportal. It means if you will add iso extension in "Mediaportal - Videos - Videos Extensions", it'll be possible to enable them in VLC plugin.

    With this, i hope it will be easier to play some files with VLC



    Retired Team Member
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  • July 20, 2006
    An update was post. Time to be approved and it will be avalaible.

    - The plugin now support the same extension as Mediaportal.
    It means you can add an extension like .iso in MP, save & close MP. re open go in VLC plugin, the new extension is checkable now.
    - Correct some trouble with OSD (updated by misterd).

    Hope it will help.
    Check the download area.


    New Member
    June 18, 2009
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    Hong Kong Hong Kong
    VLC gives me strange error

    hi, I am trying to use VLC to play movies that I have ripped. Basically I used imgburn to rip .iso files. Then use Daemon tools within MP to mount. When I used VLC player outside of Media Portal it works fine and plays the file as if it was a regular CD ie the way it is supposed to play. When I used this plugin and i click on test it shows be a black screen. When I used VLC player from within MP as an external player, when I click on the cover art shown in My Videos, I get the "mounting image" message, after whcih I get an error message saying "vlc cannot find MRL h:/video_TS".. I used H: as my virtual drive for Deamon tools and I have verified the drive number etc. When scanning H: drive i can see it has mounted the Video_TS files, but VLC would not play. Can anyone help me ? Thanks


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 20, 2006
    Hi Kris,
    I think the message is because "h:\" isn't a real drive but a virtual drive. helin said VLC can read Iso, why don't you try to read Iso without Daemon (nobody have done it before).
    To do this you 'll have to add .iso in Mediaportal Video Extensions. Save and close configration. Re-open configuration and check the ".iso" extension in VLC Plugin.
    Save again and Try. It may work.

    I have a doubt, it seems than VLC API (and VLC plugin use VLC API) are less powerful than VLC stand alone. for exemple VLC can read "asx playlist", VLC API can't read "asx playlist". That's why it may.....

    Good luck


    Portal Pro
    November 16, 2008
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    Belgium Belgium
    I love this plugin :D

    But when I stop viewing a film in the middle for example, it don't always ask to play back again from this middle point. I can't explain why sometimes it work and sometimes not.

    The rewind function 2x and 4x don't rewind, for me it do a very slow forward if you understand what I mean. Can it be tested?


    New Member
    June 18, 2009
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    Hong Kong Hong Kong
    hi Lopez, thanks for your reply. I have tried VLC outside of MediaPortal and it plays .iso files directly without a hitch. I currently have added .iso into Media Portal's extensions as well as the VLC plugin's extensions. When I use your plugin and click on the "TEST" tab and input the file location I get a black screen. Is that due to a codec error or is it that problem you have mentioned about the API. I see a lot of people here use the .iso format to rip their DVD's and then get the playback quite well. I seem to be doing something wrong.

    When I unclick the "use external player" tab in MP's Video configuration' ie telling Mediaportal to use the internal player, it picks up the .iso file and plays very well. But then when I stop it and click on another movie, it will not play unless I shutdown MP and exit and relaunch. So Daemon does not unmount the old file in use and remount the new one which I have clicked. Do you know how I can fix that ? I have to find a way to tell Daemon that when I stop the movie, it should unmount the current file and mount the new file. I have been trying to figure this out and almost close to giving up on using .iso and going back to regular ripping (ie .vob format) ..thats just a bit of pain since I end up missing all the features and extras on the disk. Once again thanks


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 20, 2006
    Well, I'll have a look on Miranda issue.
    and on Kris69 too, so i'm afraid, it 'll be unsolvable. The API can read any stream but there are weak for container...... by the way i already submit this kind of problem on VLC forum, nothing new for the moment. Wait & see:(

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