i have tested one time this feature in MP1.7 Pre (3 or 4 build), and for me working.
i can test it more, this evening. with delay when my nas shutdown or go to sleep after use. and look if MP detect the sleep and re-send the WOL packet.
I have some improvement suggestions for this feature.
In the Edit Folder configuration:
The "Enable Wake On Lan" checkbox is disabled when typing in the Media folder / optical disk drive textbox. Even if I write "\\server\videos".
Why do we need both "Enable Wake On Lan" and "Learn MAC addresses now" buttons? Do you need to enable WOL without learning the MAC address? I think a possible problem currently is that a user might enable WOL and click OK without pressing the Learn button which means WOL will not work, right? My suggestion is to replace the "Learn MAC addresses now" button with a label showing the discovered MAC address and automatically run the learn function when the user enables WOL
String id="1991" - "Please wait until the server is waking up" should probably be replaced by something like "Waking up the server. Please wait".
There's plenty of space below this text so there's no need to cut the text in half to scroll it horizontically. Or maybe this is a limitation of the dialog that it cannot break lines?