Webbrowser: FirefoxIntegrator (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
June 2, 2008
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simple method

I tried this plug in and it didn't work then I found the "multiShortcut" plugin and used that got Firefox to work , beautiful!, then add the full screen by referring to a very simple script:

Set objFireFox = WSCript.CreateObject("WScript.shell")
objFirefox.Exec("""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"" ""http://www.google.com.au""")
WScript.Sleep 1000
objFireFox.SendKeys "{F11}"

just save this as a xxxxxx.vbs file and refer to it in the multishortcut setup.

If you don't want the firefox to go fullscreen then leave off the last two lines. This should also work for any other browser and you could easily add to the code.

Now that I've realised that I needed multishortcut to have Firefoxintegrator work properly I'll try it again!, but I thought this simple script might help those who want less functions.


Ohh, forgot, you can specify any web page to open by changing line two, change from google to yahoo, or have multiple tabs by listing a bunch of pages....


Portal Member
August 8, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Plugin works fine on my setup. Any suggestions however on getting it so I can control the mouse pointer with the arrows on my MCE remote instead of the numeric buttons?


Portal Pro
June 2, 2008
Home Country
When I retried this plug in it worked fine. Just one set up issue though. It's about focus, when the firefox launches for the first time it comes to the front and goes full screen - all good - but if I touch the arrow key on my IMON control MP comes to the front. Similarly, if I have FF in the front and try to use the "exit app" button to turn of FF, it turns off MP from the background! The Imon remote is normally very good at only turning of the window that has focus. Any suggestions on how to set the focus controls up correctly in either MP, Imon or FFintegrator? Cheers

Oh, a second point, If I launch FF with FFI, and MP gains focus and comes to the front, how do I get back to FF? if I press "web browser" again it tells me the script is already running and lets me restart it or cancel. If I restart then script undoes the full screen because the old instance is running in full screen so the second toggle of full screen undoes full screen. Any tips here?



Portal Pro
December 23, 2007
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Austria Austria
iMon Manager focus problem on WinXP?

... It's about focus, when the firefox launches for the first time it comes to the front and goes full screen - all good - but if I touch the arrow key on my IMON control MP comes to the front. Similarly, if I have FF in the front and try to use the "exit app" button to turn of FF, it turns off MP from the background! The Imon remote is normally very good at only turning of the window that has focus....

I got the same problems as you described in an new setup with MP1.0.1 and WinXP.
I am not sure, what exactly the problem is but i think iMon Manager is not able to detect that Firefox is the most foreground Window!?
On a previous setup i used WinVista and iMon which worked correctly there, but there was also MP1.0 installed.
So in my opinion the problem is iMon Manager in combination with WinXP.
The only way to solve this is to change the FirefoxIntegrator - MultiShortcut Konfiguration - "Hide MP While Executing" from "False" to "True" (or try WinVista ;-) )!


Portal Pro
June 2, 2008
Home Country

Yep I'm on WinXP + MP1.0.1 So I'll try that. Last night I found that if a TV stream is running then it doesn't come to the front at all.

Oh, these issues occur both with FFI and that little script I listed above...



Portal Pro
December 23, 2007
Home Country
Austria Austria
...Last night I found that if a TV stream is running then it doesn't come to the front at all.

...yes, same here on my XP system. On my other system with WinVista (using EVR) and MP1.0 this works also without problems!

The reason is MediaPortal - Configuration - DirectShow Filter Control - Video Renderer Settings -
Video Mixing Renderer 9 (VMR9) - [x] Use exclusive mode (avoids tearing, MP stays on top during media playback) !

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