AW: Re: AW: WebGrab+Plus a new xmltv grabber
my answer to arion_p
and if i chek the option and ad no compensation time leave 00h00min , the xmltv plugin will use tvguide.xml time with his compensations?
There i have a suggestion:
if i have different tvguide files and they need separate compensation time, you have no option to correct this. I suggest that when i use a lot of tvguide files, there should be a tvguide.lst file that lets separat compensate gmt time for each file. The inside of the tvguide.lst file can see something like this:
and so on
and thank you for the answer
Hi WG++Maker
im on holiday too. So i cant proov your code.
But there is a problem that my %LOCALAPPDATA% is signed as "C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\Local Settings\Apps\...." and not as "....\Local Settings\Application Data\...." But i have found your file another way. See my post from 2011-07-17, 11:45
thank you for your answer and have fun on your holiday
my answer to arion_p
and if i chek the option and ad no compensation time leave 00h00min , the xmltv plugin will use tvguide.xml time with his compensations?
There i have a suggestion:
if i have different tvguide files and they need separate compensation time, you have no option to correct this. I suggest that when i use a lot of tvguide files, there should be a tvguide.lst file that lets separat compensate gmt time for each file. The inside of the tvguide.lst file can see something like this:
and so on
and thank you for the answer
Hi WG++Maker
im on holiday too. So i cant proov your code.
But there is a problem that my %LOCALAPPDATA% is signed as "C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\Local Settings\Apps\...." and not as "....\Local Settings\Application Data\...." But i have found your file another way. See my post from 2011-07-17, 11:45
thank you for your answer and have fun on your holiday