But isn't implementing yet another webservice doing the same work over and over again? As far as I could see in forum posts many products are based on the webservice from gemx. If everybody keeps creating his/her own stuff, it will all take us a lot of time and we all have to go through the same pitfalls over and over again. I took the assemblies from Media Portal themselves and pulled them through Reflector to see what they're like and what they have to offer. They're well built and as far as I can see all functionality is already in it. The only thing that is to do is to create a SOAP and/or REST wrapper around it with no functionality of itself, just a passthrough to the assemblies. The current webservice is polluted with all kind of sample plugins and webservice apps. Don't! Create a clean standalone webservice which communicates with Media Portal. Create different projects for stuff to communicate with the webservice (webapp, mobile app, Media Center app, etc). Keep things separated, lightweight and clean.