When ripping DVD's to MP (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 22, 2005
When ripping DVD's to MP what do most of you do?

Currently I rip to divx to concerve space but this has the obvious problem of loosing the quality of the DVD.

Does the loss of quality matter that much to most people?


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  • July 1, 2006
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    personally i rip the whole DVD with DVDFabDecrypter. Quality is ofcourse important, why settle for less than true DVD-quality when i have access to the disc? Disk space is no real concern (yet) since i use a separate old computer with FreeNAS, i just add disks when i need more space and i reach my files from anywhere, anytime.



    Portal Member
    August 7, 2006
    Im using Fairwizard to convert all my DVDs to DivX 6
    You dont loose that much quality these days with the latest versions of DivX and obviously you can store stacks of stuff on you're machine.
    I'll be getting a projector for my machine so I need the video quality to be quite high.
    This seems to do the trick :p


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Ehh.. you can't rip DVDs from within MP, right?

    Would be cool, though... 8)

    I've only used DVD Shrink ('coz its free)

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