When system is send to standby directly from TV it hangs when coming back (1 Viewer)


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  • May 14, 2007
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    OK - I have reported this in the 1.4 release foum and now when I decided to go for 1.4 it is still an issue (honestly - I get the feeling there is not much interest in looking after this ...)

    In the previous versions of MP the workaround (as the problem was always present) was to set "restart MP after resume" - this option is now gone. The result is that when you send teh PC to sleep during watching TV it comes up with the last Picture and that's it - you need to kill MP and restart the machine - otherwise MP will even stuck when starting again with "loading Plugins".

    As there is no Wartchdog capable of catching the isses (in fact MP seems to run in teh background - I can see filling the logs with update tasks) but it is not responsive.

    From my point there are two ways to approach this:

    - give back the restart after resume
    - manage for MP to properly shut don teh stream / player or whatever is responsible to make MOP stucjk when waking it up again

    The attached Logs are all I have fro now - if there is any feedback I'm more than happy to provide whatever it takes.

    I'm realy unhappy - using MP since Years and was quite happy with 1.3 - and got fooled again with enhances and fixes when doing an upgrade now sitting with a not worjking system again.

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  • May 14, 2007
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    Hm - made jsut a test and stop playback before sending teh system to stanby - same result - last active window when resuming and unresponsive system.

    OK - cool - so there is work done behind teh scenes - THX scythe42 for this - vbut what is teh help now? Can a patch be distributet which gives back teh restart after resume functionality?

    And - how can I provide logs for this - when havin an unresponsive system I can Kill it and watchdog is going to write logs - but will this help?


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  • May 14, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    THX .- will give it a shot. Meanwhile - here is teh Log for

    MP stuck after rsume - Kill via Taskmanager - MP hangs at splashscreen
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    Retired Team Member
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  • January 24, 2012
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    I have this issue also, i use a script on wake to kill mediaportal along with the service then restart the service and open mediaportal after 5 seconds. Your welcome to try it if you like:)


    • service.rar
      216 bytes


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  • May 14, 2007
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    It seems there is no patch for now :(
    I have create bin about something else and i don't think it will change something but you can give a try : https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...ice_detection_from_tvserver_in_tvhome.120159/

    This doesn't help - same result - but here is thle log for

    MP stuck after resume[DOUBLEPOST=1373922419][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I have this issue also, i use a script on wake to kill mediaportal along with the service then restart the service and open mediaportal after 5 seconds. Your welcome to try it if you like:)
    THX - this is the next I will try :) - was playing around with taskkill before but didn't spend much time in finding the correct parameter - the frustration about this whole MP disaster blocked me ;)
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    Retired Team Member
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  • January 24, 2012
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    No problem launch it with a sheduled task and make sure the shedule task is set to only run when user is logged in otherwise there is a bug in windows that stops it from running ;)


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  • May 14, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    Hm - the only thing I hav an issue with is that MP will stuck in teh Splash screen when it's "killed" - Need to try to find what it s blocking it from starting

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