Operating System Windows 7 & half fullscreen (5 Viewers)


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  • February 23, 2007
    Baden- Württemberg
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    AW: Re: Windows 7 & half fullscreen

    How would that solve it?

    Depending on drivers, DVI connection is different than HDMI but you loose sound.

    Anyhow, I managed to solve this by using VNC when TV was off. I've instantly noticed that resolution is changed to 800x600.

    Biggest resolution I could choose in Catalyst was 1680x1050. If I had HD display I could fix this instantly by setting resolution to 1280x720.

    I had to change monitor preferences, "show unsupported display rates" or something like that. Then in catalyst I could finally see 1920x1080. Refresh rate was fixed in this case to 25 but it doesn't even matter for now. Windows don't size down anymore. :)

    This also worked for me, but it is really I little bit tricky:

    1. Install RealVNC or TightVNC and establish a remote connection to your HTPC.
    2. Remove your HDMI cable from your display
    3. Your resolution should now change to 800x600
    4. Start your CCC (Catalyst Control Center)
    5. Go to Desktop and Displays and you should now see an old CRT Monitor
    6. Right click oin the monitor and select "Configure"
    7. Unselect "Use Extendec Display ....."
    8. Then set the resolution to something... 800x600 or something, doesnt really matter
    9. Click on apply.
    10. Then go to Desktop Properties and you can now select your resolution (1280x720 or 1920x1080)

    Hope it will work :)


    New Member
    April 27, 2009
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    I fixed this by using a trick with my remote control. I have a Logitech Harmony One, which allows you to do "tasks", so I click on "Media Center", and all devices for my media center come up. When I click on the "Power" button everything turns off, so, I tied the "Power Off" button to MP, so that it also shuts down MP when it turns off, and then I made a batch file for MP, and included a delay in the batch file of 10 seconds, so that it wouldn't start immediately. I had to add that batch file to my IR settings so that when power is hit on the remote, it loads the batch file, and not MP. Now, when I click "Media Center", my receiver turns on, TV turns on, and then MP starts up - and it is always in full screen.

    Hope that helps point anyone in the right direction with a similar remote control...



    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2006
    You can just set MP to restart on resume in the configuration application though with a delayed start up so no need for all those steps you've done!

    Under General tick the option "Restart Mediaportal on Resume" and then under the "Startup Delay" section you just specify how long to delay by.

    *Unless you're not putting your HTPC to standby as well.


    MP Donator
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  • December 28, 2006
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    This bug gets even worse when using the "Dynamic refresh rate". Then MP get resized every time the refreshrate changes. So MP is almost useless for me now. :mad:

    So tonight I gave up and ordered a HDMI Detective Plus to see if it this can solve the problem. An expensive solution but worth the price if it's working.


    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2006
    That's odd, I use the dynamic refresh rate and it stays the same size.

    I repeat again though, the issue is with your GFX card, not MP.


    MP Donator
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  • December 28, 2006
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    That's odd, I use the dynamic refresh rate and it stays the same size.

    I repeat again though, the issue is with your GFX card, not MP.

    My HDMI-signal is passing through a ONKYO receiver and every time there is a resolution change the receiver is loosing the HDMI-signal for 2-3 seconds and MP is resizing. I've tried every "fix" in this thread with no success. I'm having a integrated ATI HD3200 card on my motherboard.


    New Member
    February 11, 2011
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    AW: Windows 7 & half fullscreen

    have the problem relatively at a reasonable price with a HDMI Switch
    (Marmitek Connect 310 for 25€) relaxed.
    Functions 1a without ext. Electricity supply (net part).


    MP Donator
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  • December 28, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    This bug gets even worse when using the "Dynamic refresh rate". Then MP get resized every time the refreshrate changes. So MP is almost useless for me now. :mad:

    So tonight I gave up and ordered a HDMI Detective Plus to see if it this can solve the problem. An expensive solution but worth the price if it's working.

    That's odd, I use the dynamic refresh rate and it stays the same size.

    I repeat again though, the issue is with your GFX card, not MP.

    My HDMI-signal is passing through a ONKYO receiver and every time there is a resolution change the receiver is loosing the HDMI-signal for 2-3 seconds and MP is resizing. I've tried every "fix" in this thread with no success. I'm having a integrated ATI HD3200 card on my motherboard.

    Today monday morning my "HDMI-Detective" arrived. I'm impressed of the very quick delivery from USA to Sweden. (ordered it thursday evening)

    I'm so happy to see that it seems to have solved all my problems. I can now change refreshrate 24/50/60 Hz and also resume MP from hibernate without resizeing MP. This thing is definitely worth the cost för me right now.



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  • September 10, 2008
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    Today I installed Win7 SP1 and it seems that it does the trick.

    Played arround a while, turning tv on and off and MP went everytime back to Fullscreen.

    Downside is an annoying "hardware detected" bleep when the Tv is recognized, but I think I can live with that:)

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