XM Radio plugin (5 Viewers)


Portal Member
July 3, 2007
I'm going to try and have a first release posted to play with on friday night sometime (likely later, like 9 PM EST). I'm pretty close now. All I want to finish up is some stuff in the core streaming code (cleaning it up a bit), and get those darned presets working. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to know when the 'More Info' button is pressed to show a dialog for setting the preset...

So, for Release 1.0.1:
- Basic Channel Listing with Current Song/Artist/Album info
- Now Playing information
- Current Song/Artist/Album info updates automatically
- Preset buttons (6) To get to your favourites quickly

What I'm thinking for Release 1.1.1:
- Shaded Channel lists to indicate Genres
- Sort By: Channel #, Channel Name, Genre

Possible future features:
- Search channels for current song/album/artist
- Artist/Song Alert list (eg: Set up an alert for 'Beatles') to inform you when an artist or song you want to hear comes on, on any channel, and have you optionally switch to that channel
- Configuration option to Hide channels you never listen to
- More Presets (Perhaps make the presets a list instead of 6 buttons)
- Show album art for current song

Let me know what you guys think so far, and which features you'd like to see included in the future! Also let me know what skins you are using. I've made a skin file for BlueTwo, BlueTwo Wide, and Xface so far, but I can make more!


Portal Member
July 3, 2007
Ok, monochrome wide is done.



Portal Member
July 3, 2007
I've posted a release... Please go to the google code site where this is hosted and download it!

Also, issue tracking and everything else can and should be handled through that site!


Be sure to do a couple things:

1) Go into your configuration after you've copied the plugin files, as well as the skin files to the right locations, and setup your username/password for your XM account.

2) The first time you load the plugin, it's going to take a good amount of time to load, while it downloads and caches the images for each channel! Please be patient, it isn't hanging, it's just working on getting the images!


Portal Pro
January 31, 2007
when i try to load MP config, i get an error

An error occured while load the plugin XMSharp.MP.XMSharpMP.

It's incompatible with the current MediaPortal version and won't be loaded..

so i downloaded and installed the lastest svn and i get the same error.


Portal Member
July 3, 2007
Hmm I've been testing with MediaPortal 1.0 RC2. I'm not sure what to do to get it working with other versions. I suppose I could download the latest SVN and build with that. Any plugin developers want to comment?


Portal Pro
January 31, 2007
Hmm I've been testing with MediaPortal 1.0 RC2. I'm not sure what to do to get it working with other versions. I suppose I could download the latest SVN and build with that. Any plugin developers want to comment?

I would think that is a good idea..
the MP code base is always going to be moving forward.


Portal Member
July 3, 2007
question is, will it then be backwards compatible with 1.0 RC2? I'm not sure what the standard practice is here for plugins, I'm new to making plugins for mediaportal

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