Sorry guys, been real busy lately and haven't had a chance to work on the plugin.
Is this still being worked on? What effect has the new XM/Sirius merged lineup had?
Sorry guys, been real busy lately and haven't had a chance to work on the plugin.
I've revisited using media portal again and after installing the latest version, found my basic xm plugin from before didn't work. Then I found this new XMSharp one and I tried that but it didn't work either, incompatible. So I downloaded the source, recompiled with the latest MP code and now it runs in MP, but I had no sound like everybody else was reporting plus the channel list didn't work, would only show first page. I've fixed up the code to make the listcontrol work again and I commented out all the VLC code and am now just using MP's built in gPlayer (although the core XM library that was MP free now is required to link to MP to play) and it works and I have sound.
Since somebody else started this project orginally and I had to make a core change (switching VLC to gPlayer) I don't know what the proper procedure is to let others benefit from my fixes.
Also, when I finally start playing a channel, a box (mostly transparent) with a play button appears on the bottom left along with a really huge time running clock. Anybody know what that is and how I can turn it off?