MediaPortal 1 Talk (175 Viewers)

General talk regarding our HTPC-software MediaPortal 1 takes place here.
Hi! I asked this question in the german forum, but nobody answers, so I try it here: At the moment I use DVBViewer as my HTPC-Software, it's great for TV, but not so good for multimedia. So I tried MediaPortal, which looks great, especially the large covers and description of the movies and audio-cds. So... I want to have my...
Hi! I asked this question in the german forum, but nobody answers, so I try it here: At the moment I use DVBViewer as my...
Hi! I asked this question in the german forum, but nobody answers, so I try it here: At the moment I use DVBViewer as my...
Hi, I'm about to get a new motorized dish and I'd like to give TVServer a try. What I'd like it to do is moving the motorized dish to the correct position in order to record a program. In other words, it should know which satellite broadcasts the channel and than move the dish according to it. And let's say I want to...
Hi, I'm about to get a new motorized dish and I'd like to give TVServer a try. What I'd like it to do is moving the motorized...
Hi, I'm about to get a new motorized dish and I'd like to give TVServer a try. What I'd like it to do is moving the motorized...
Hi, Just installed Media Portal on a Windows Server 2003 (I will not use it for TV, but for everything else - read in the wiki it should be okay). Some questions: - Can I customize what shows up on the front screen (I want to remove TV, Weather, etc) - Can I remove the Power-Off button at the front screen (it's a 24/7 online...
Hi, Just installed Media Portal on a Windows Server 2003 (I will not use it for TV, but for everything else - read in the wiki...
Hi, Just installed Media Portal on a Windows Server 2003 (I will not use it for TV, but for everything else - read in the wiki...
Hello guys! I am starting to use the Mediaportal Server 1.0RC2. I have scanned the channels with my KNC1 S2 DVBS card. The only channels I am not getting are the ones with 9/10 FEC. I can scan the channels in DVB-S2 that are using for example 2/3 FEC. Is it possible to scan the channels with 9/10? Thank you for your...
Hello guys! I am starting to use the Mediaportal Server 1.0RC2. I have scanned the channels with my KNC1 S2 DVBS card. The...
Hello guys! I am starting to use the Mediaportal Server 1.0RC2. I have scanned the channels with my KNC1 S2 DVBS card. The...
MP1 MP2 Command Line Option DE
Any news on this? That would be a great feature.
Any news on this? That would be a great feature.
I'm looking to replace Vista MCE with MediaPortal, and my last hurdle is figuring out how to start MP and go directly to a certain...
me too [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/www/moin/mpwiki/eng/data/pages/Supported_TVCards(2f)ATSC/cache/text_htmluz8gXq.tmp' error n python script! I mean people actually USE python? You misspell one little variable and it can take days to debug. what's up with that!
me too [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/www/moin/mpwiki/eng/data/pages/Supported_TVCards(2f)ATSC/cache/text_htmluz8gXq.tmp'...
Hi, The TV-Engine 0.3 wiki ( is saying 'You are not allowed to view this page.'...
i use the speedfan plugin myself its good but i get craigparris1 point of looking for a plugin that will show server info so u can check it from the clients. specially if the server is one which u have without screen.
i use the speedfan plugin myself its good but i get craigparris1 point of looking for a plugin that will show server info so u can...
Hi guys, Does anyone know if there's a plug-in (or standard functionality) that shows information from the TV Server -...
Would it be possible to configure all of the channels by parsing the KingOfSat site? If so, that would mean you wouldn't have to re-scan every time the channels moved around.
Would it be possible to configure all of the channels by parsing the KingOfSat site? If so, that would mean you wouldn't have to...
Guys, I'm trying to convert some data from KingOfSat into TV-Server (3). I've attached the data i need to convert into...
Hello, I run a system with - Sempron 2800+ - 512 MB Ram If I run the Server and the client I can say that the System is very slow. If you click on TV in Mediaportal it will take 10 seconds before TV starts. Half a year ago there was no TV-Server (I used the old TV-Engine) installed and the HTPC was running more...
Hello, I run a system with - Sempron 2800+ - 512 MB Ram If I run the Server and the client I can say that the System is...
Hello. I am making a Media center and I intend to use Media Portal, but the PC I have available to do it is only a AMD Athlon...
>When Nvidia's HybridSLI-boost is enabled (motherboard 8200 & PCIe GF8500) MP jams ~99/100 times when starting TV. >Sorry, wrong alarm today works OK Works, atleast nVidia 175.19 drivers.
>When Nvidia's HybridSLI-boost is enabled (motherboard 8200 & PCIe GF8500) MP jams ~99/100 times when starting TV. >Sorry, wrong...
>When Nvidia's HybridSLI-boost is enabled (motherboard 8200 & PCIe GF8500) MP jams ~99/100 times when starting TV. >Sorry, wrong...
Going to TVServer RC2 results in " NO SIGNAL " when scanning for DVB-T Channels. Going back to RC1 and problem goes away...
Monochrome skin-file for DRipper Hi Thought I would share my modified skin-file with correct heights and widths of buttons for Monochrome. I also changed the right/left actions for the lists. This plugin is really cool, lets hope that DR.DK doesn't change the layout for content to soon. Mikkel
Monochrome skin-file for DRipper Hi Thought I would share my modified skin-file with correct heights and widths of buttons for...
Hey all I have been using MP for long time now, and love the software:D , but my wife want to see a guide But, i will like...
Hey people, I'm usually a moaner in this forum... I work in a QA team, so that explains why i moan :) RC1 on Windows Vista SP1 was so fustraiting for me. The thing crashed alot, lost focus and was plain slow. I'm glad to report that after using RC2 for a couple of days, I've had no problems what so ever! MP RC2 is a huge...
Hey people, I'm usually a moaner in this forum... I work in a QA team, so that explains why i moan :) RC1 on Windows Vista SP1...
Hey people, I'm usually a moaner in this forum... I work in a QA team, so that explains why i moan :) RC1 on Windows Vista SP1...
Ah, could be indeed a SP1 fix... Didnt check too closely. So we can delete this tread :)
Ah, could be indeed a SP1 fix... Didnt check too closely. So we can delete this tread :)
Looks like there is available Vista specific update for few DVB related system files (Psisdecd.dll, etc.). Please...
Hi I run Vista64 SP1 Ultimate on a Gigabyte 780G Motherboard with onboard ATI 3200 video. Just wondering which version of ATI catalyst drivers and which version of powerDVD i should be using. I have read conflicting reports whether or not i should use PDVD7.3 or PDVD8 and reports that PDVD7.3 is better with Mediaportal. I also...
Hi I run Vista64 SP1 Ultimate on a Gigabyte 780G Motherboard with onboard ATI 3200 video. Just wondering which version of ATI...
Hi I run Vista64 SP1 Ultimate on a Gigabyte 780G Motherboard with onboard ATI 3200 video. Just wondering which version of ATI...
Hallo Ich habe ein 2-Zeiliges LCD-Display (HD-447800) in meinem TV-Server eingebaut. Ich möchte im LCD-Display wie im MP TV Client V1.2.5 Programm im untersten Fester den Status der TV Karten anzeigen. Viele Grüße Yoda5 :)
Hallo Ich habe ein 2-Zeiliges LCD-Display (HD-447800) in meinem TV-Server eingebaut. Ich möchte im LCD-Display wie im MP TV...
Hallo Ich habe ein 2-Zeiliges LCD-Display (HD-447800) in meinem TV-Server eingebaut. Ich möchte im LCD-Display wie im MP TV...
Hi, Is there a way to save TV server settings when moving from RC1 + SVN to RC2. I know about not deleting the database and about how to export the channels/schedules. But what about other settings (like the recording options and webepg import settings). I have three cards and it can be a pain to re-enter all of the settings...
Hi, Is there a way to save TV server settings when moving from RC1 + SVN to RC2. I know about not deleting the database and about...
Hi, Is there a way to save TV server settings when moving from RC1 + SVN to RC2. I know about not deleting the database and about...
TV-Server/Configuration/TVServers/HybridCards - MediaPortal Documentation As you have given so little information, does above apply. For full support please follow link in my signature, or better still fill in the usercp at the topleft of forum page and enable systems specs to be shown, stops us from guessing. Regards
TV-Server/Configuration/TVServers/HybridCards - MediaPortal Documentation As you have given so little information, does above...
Hi to all, I have just install the RC2 with TV server. I have problem to see digital channel, mediaportal open a new window with...
FLOSS Media Center comparison table we are compiling a study on state of the art in floss mc projects. if you are a power user of one of the following projects (XBMC, MythTV, Boxee, Elisa, Neuros OSD, Freevo, My Media System, Entertainer, CenterStage+Plex or MediaPortal), please visit our announcement page to know how to...
FLOSS Media Center comparison table we are compiling a study on state of the art in floss mc projects. if you are a power user of...
Is there any reason to use Media Portal if I won Windows Media Center, I read the reasons post, but I need a more personal answer...
juppe that's it, thanks!! :thx:
juppe that's it, thanks!! :thx:
hi people, is it possible to launch MP at windows startup without executing explorer.exe? As for a pure MP htpc.
For multiple clients, each machine needs to be configured. Currently there is no supported centralised database storage. There is however a cheat sheet to setting this up although it is not officially support but does work well. I have never had a problem but others have. Basic store your media (Music/Pictures/Movies) on shared drives...
For multiple clients, each machine needs to be configured. Currently there is no supported centralised database storage. There is...
Tonight I installed RC1 using the deploy tool and selected MySQL for my database. I've found it quite sluggish and timed out a few...
Thanks, Charlie. Like I said, I'll be happy to help write documentation, once I figure out how it works. Let me know if I can help.
Thanks, Charlie. Like I said, I'll be happy to help write documentation, once I figure out how it works. Let me know if I can help.
So, I was thinking the other day that the it'd be great if I could stream one of the public radio stations to my MP client. (Great...
How about XP actually works ;)
How about XP actually works ;)
The opreation system for my HTPC has slowly became rather large and unwheeldy. It is currently running on Vista Ulitmate and I am...
USB boot drive Hi, I´ve reduced the bills using a usb drive (lowerest power consuption) to boot and keep the windows running, and one 1TB disk from Wester Digital to store movies/picutures and so on (it´s almost all the time in spin off). I´m not using it with the tv server, but i belive that it will work without problems. (i´m...
USB boot drive Hi, I´ve reduced the bills using a usb drive (lowerest power consuption) to boot and keep the windows running...
I'm currently running 2 servers on our home network, and after our last electric bill neared $400 (Houston in the summer FTL) we...
TV shows = MP-TVSeries plugin Should do it nicely. :D
TV shows = MP-TVSeries plugin Should do it nicely. :D
Hi On the home screen i have a 'My Movies' button which i have configured to look into the folder where i keep my movies...
Now where do I buy one of these lovelly items from. I want one. I believe meedio would be more suited to creating such a screen layout. It is more module/screen/skin based than media portal is.
Now where do I buy one of these lovelly items from. I want one. I believe meedio would be more suited to creating such a screen...
Hello All, Right now I'm looking into building a custom alarm clock as a gift to my girlfriend (and because projects are just...
MP1 MP2 Transcoding hooks? DE
Hi, Firstly, TVServer is fantastic... finally I can get rid of my old ropey mythtb setup, and have a proper client-server pvr system, with a great windows client. One thing I want to do though is automatically transcode my recordings to H264 (for iPod), and provide an rss feed to the transcoded recordings, with all the metadata...
Hi, Firstly, TVServer is fantastic... finally I can get rid of my old ropey mythtb setup, and have a proper client-server pvr...
Hi, Firstly, TVServer is fantastic... finally I can get rid of my old ropey mythtb setup, and have a proper client-server pvr...
Have done some investigation of dinterlacing setup on my system with Nvidia PureVideo Decoder and ATI Catalyst 8.4 using Pal Format SD signals direct from my TV card in MP. I can switch off deinterlacing in the video driver altogether and the picture quality is unchanged - which means that the decoder must be doing the...
Have done some investigation of dinterlacing setup on my system with Nvidia PureVideo Decoder and ATI Catalyst 8.4 using Pal Format...
Hi I've been playing with HTPCs for many years now. All manner of configurations, PVR apps and usually using newish hardware...
MP1 MP2 Green Button DE
Just thought you guys may find this useful or interesting on this topic as it worked for me in Vista Ultimate.... Disable Windows Media Center using Group Policy (or Registry) Run Group Policy Object Editor (GPEdit.msc), expand Computer Configuration (for per-machine settings if you want disable for all users on the computer) or...
Just thought you guys may find this useful or interesting on this topic as it worked for me in Vista Ultimate.... Disable...
Is it possible to prevent MCE from launching when hitting the Green Button and use it for MP insted ? Windows MCE Or do i...
Might be a lot of reading :), thanks for taking the "MP average" user route, it is a learning curve as all the experienced MP users know. I would say things are better in many ways, even in so called feature freeze, so many improvements have happened under the bonnet, which are appreciated by the people in the know, including me...
Might be a lot of reading :), thanks for taking the "MP average" user route, it is a learning curve as all the experienced MP users...
I just had to share my experience in contrast to the "buggy bloatware" thread, and in general to give a huge kudos to all the devs...
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