Recent content by Pog

  1. Pog

    [THEME] Online Xtra for Titan

    Yup, this needs fixing - thanks guys.
  2. Pog

    Series Record?

    Heads up, check out the TvWishList plugin for advanced recording options. I have a load of schedules set up for recording shows airing now and in the future. Handy for the wife as she doesn't need to mess with anything and all the stuff she likes just gets recorded season after season.
  3. Pog

    Hyperlink Parameter

    I don't think Titan Extended is being developed any further though there is supposed to be something to replace it. There's a forum thread about that somewhere, maybe an internal one. edit: Titan Extended is not going to be offered as part of the main MP package but developed separately like...
  4. Pog

    Hyperlink Parameter

    @Wo0zy care to let us know what is outdated? @Jay_UK I'm using 1.7 here at the moment and I found a way to make this work but only with sub-menus. <section name="TitanBasicHomeSubmenu0"> <entry name="submenuItemName0">All Movies</entry> <entry...
  5. Pog

    Hyperlink Parameter

    Ok I did some testing with Titan extended and it looks like it doesn't pass hyperlink parameters properly for any plugins. Seems to be a bug with Titan rather then Media Browser.
  6. Pog

    Where to now for fan art?

    Yup this could do with some attention. Fanart Handler was doing scraping and also pushing the art to a skin. I would like to see MP handle the pushing art to skin part while leaving scraping to various plugins. Another plugin to consider for scraping: [Plugin] DVDArt - All artwork for...
  7. Pog

    Hyperlink Parameter

    Hi Jay, It should go something like this: <entry name="menuItemName2">Movies</entry> <entry name="menuItemIcon2">Movies</entry> <entry name="menuItemHyperlink2">20130603</entry> <entry name="menuItemParameter2">{Type:"View", Id:"movies-all"}</entry> Not had time to test this and I don't use...
  8. Pog

    [solved] Cannot play modules music

    I use WinAmp for vis modules too and set up a button on the remote to switch to the them. hwahrmann is the right dev for looking into it on MP but you may need to wait for an fix with MP.
  9. Pog

    [solved] Cannot play modules music

    I use WinAmp for my music playback through MP and this handles everything I can throw at it. You can enable WinAmp support via MP config, there are also some addition settings for filetypes in there that you may need to adjust. Once set up you get MP's nice interface and WinAmp will play in the...
  10. Pog

    How many people rate TV shows / episodes at

    Not seen this from within the MP plugin, is it in there or just on the web site?
  11. Pog

    How many people rate TV shows / episodes at

    I use Trakt to rate shows and movies. But given that Trakt only has a love/hate option I tend to only rate something if it is very very good or particularly bad.
  12. Pog

    Track suggestions not working

    "Top Album Tracks" are not working in skins that support these tags. I'm still using MP 1.7.1 and this not work on that version too. I'm not sure where MP is scraping this info from but web site changes have probably broken this.
  13. Pog

    PureVisionHD 1080

    Welcome back to the North, wet and cold just how you like it! ;)
  14. Pog

    Music database setup - no thumbs or music info

    Yup - wish there were more developers with a love for music! Fan Art Handler mostly works for me but I haven't given it much attention and the developer of that plugin has not been seen for some time now.
  15. Pog

    Music database setup - no thumbs or music info

    Hey dholroyd, I use both MPTagThat and Mp3Tag for my tagging. I have around 25000 tracks in my library mostly lossless flac and I've been careful to make sure tags are good and use high quality cover art from my own scans or what I've found on the net. It's tedious work but I figure worth it...
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