
  1. A

    TvWishList EPG Lookup problem

    I have MP working well on two PC’s, having come to Media Portal from Windows Media Centre late last year. I have installed TvWishList on both machines but neither installation is working. I have been trying to fault find for several weeks, using the Help File and the Forum, but with no...
  2. breese

    xmltv install / configure for ATSC / OTA U.S.A

    EDIT: I am working on a new setup of this and will post here when completed. The new setup will allow the addition of Series info by means of TVGuide.com. As an added bonus, the channel mappings produce a greater number of Auto-Mappings. Thanks goes out to zap2xml for the recent updates allowing...
  3. C

    XmlTV: Parse the <new /> tag to obtain air date when <date> tag is missing?

    I would like support for parsing the <new /> tag in <programme> blocks in XmlTV EPG data in order to set the original air date meta-data for a program when that program's <programme> block does not have a <date> tag. I believe this could be easily achieved by simply adding the following code to...
  4. D

    EPG funktioniert nicht

    Hallo zusammen, gestern bin ich von Mediaportal 1 auf Mediaportal 2 umgestiegen. Leider bekomme ich das EPG nicht zum laufen. Habe im DVB EPG die zu aktualisierenden Sender angeklickt; im WebEPG die TV-Mappings eingestellt; WebEPG durch Klick auf GrabNow gestartet... Ohne Ergebnis. Wenn ich...
  5. M

    Sydney Australia, empty guide

    Hi people, I'm in Sydney, where I have just installed MP2 on a windows 10 machine. Having used MP1 for several years. I'm very impressed with all the improvements and how slick installation and setup is. BUT I can't get my Guide to populate no matter what I try. Everything else is perfect. To...
  6. G

    DVB EPG enhanced with IMDB

    G'day! I'm from Australia and happily pull EPG data from the DVB signal. Is there a way to enhance that EPG data with some kind of IMDB grabber? What I'd love to see when I look at the EPG is an IMDB score for all the movies in the TV guide. Does anyone know how to pull this off? Thanks heaps in...
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