
  1. M

    No sound on videos

    Hello I am new on MP, I have it installed in a HP portatil connected with HDMI wire to a SAMSUMG TV In the videos (I haven´t TV still) I can´t hear any songs, the windows play songs correctly, and I had have a lot of changes in the codecs options and I only have got hear the sound by the HP...
  2. R

    Delay in audio output over HDMI

    I know this is a frequent issue, but I've never seen a post with a resolution. Perhaps someone can help direct me. Every HTPC build / home receiver combination I've used over the last 15 years always has the same issue that audio output doesn't kick in for about 1 second after the signal is...
  3. M

    Blank screen USB display adapter

    I use a USB-HDMI2 USB 2.0 display adapter (DisplayLink) for my projector. When starting MP I get blank screen. If I attach a monitor on the DVI port and start MP the USB-HDMI works and get TV o the projector. MP is 1.14
  4. Stéphane Lenclud

    Operating System TV power cycle messes up Desktop Icons

    Since Windows 10 TH2 upgrade from November 2016 my desktop icons reorganized themselves whenever I turned my HDMI TV off and back on. For a long time I could not figure how to fix that problem, I even had a Microsoft tech support looking at it for a few hours without being able to fix it either...
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