Animation slowing down in time (2 Viewers)


New Member
March 16, 2007
You could be running out of video memory? Check my earlier post.

This doesn't explain why the slowdown is a gradual process that takes place over a few days. Or why a reboot fixes it.

Some additional information: I'm not using TV Server and my video card has 512mb of RAM.


Portal Pro
October 23, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Kind of a hunch here...
Who of those experiencing the issue is using the TVSeries plugin at all?
Tourettes, are you using it?

I've did some tests this afternoon after a reboot - starting a movie from movingpicture or myvideo doesn't seem to adversely affect the framerate of the animations, but starting a show from TVSeries seems to do something wrong.
I'll try to compare how all the plugins are starting a video. I didn't do the video playback code in TVSeries - not pointing fingers toward anyone, it's just that I have no idea what could be different and/or badly done in TVSeries to trigger this issue.

Using TVseries plugin (a lot!) and having slowdowns.


Portal Pro
July 5, 2005
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
I'm not using TV Series at all so that's not the problem ;)

I'm using MP mainly to watch TV and watching downloaded TV Series (h264 and xvid) but from My Video.


Portal Pro
February 1, 2007
cape town
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
not using tv series here.

Let 's start with a list:

Media portal 1
I have ONLY the standard MP plugins.
NO TV tuner cards
NO TV series
ati 9550 AGP card 256mb video ram
2.66 celeron D (socket 478)
512mb ram
I use s3 sleep mode and the microsoft remote
latest directx installed

There must be something that we all have in common to make this software act this way. Or something that others have different to make them NOT have this problem.


Portal Pro
July 5, 2005
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
I have in common :

MediaPortal 1
Standard Plugins
An ATI GFX Card PCIe HD 3450
Latest DX9
MCE Remote Control + mptray.exe running to start MP from remote.

Are you using codecs taking advantages of DXVA ?


Portal Pro
October 23, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Well, almost the only thing I have in common is MP 1.0 :p

I use a few plugins: TVseries, MovingPictures, ForTheRecord mainly.
Also, no tuners in the client (which is the one with the problem).

Using StreamedMP as skin.
Using Hibernate (I think thats s3, right?)
Using MCE remote.


Portal Pro
February 1, 2007
cape town
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
I restarted my pc on the 2nd of Feb, and things have been great this week after the restart , but during this weekend and last night i could see a difference and things are getting more and more choppy, By next weekend it will be very irritating and in two weeks time FPS will have dropped to less than 1.

I closed MP to see if i can find ANYTHING in windows that seems to be hogging cpu , but could not find anything. Also movies plays just fine. I will experiment a bit more tonight , but it seems like 1 to 2 weeks is the longest I can survive before restarting. I have never timed this before since i have always found a reason to restart before.


Portal Pro
July 5, 2005
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
After two weeks I definitly had to restart my HTPC yesterday because for me as well it was becoming too choppy. (I could barely see any animation at all)

I tried a directx benchmark before and after restarting the PC and the result were the same. So I assume it's not a directx thing. I will investigate a bit more the functions involved in animations and try to work out a small benchmark test software.

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