BleazleWide V8.1.1.0 for MP 1.1.x (5 Viewers)


Portal Pro
September 16, 2008
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New Zealand New Zealand
Re: BleazleWide V8.1

You are correct Mister Watson! I'm running infoservice v

Thats the infoservice version that came with the installation... Am I supposed to find another version?

Thanks for being such a quick responder... you da man!

Now... I'm only just out of nub school, but I did know what to do with these files.

I backed up the old files of the same name, and placed your .xml files here:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\BleazleWide

I then loaded MP, and have some progress at least...


As you can see, still no weather background. However, I do get the 5-day forecast along the bottom.
Side effect # 1: I've lost several of the icons - ie. Music, Videos, Pictures, & Pluggins. <-- Not a huge deal for me.
Side effect # 2: I seem to have a bunch of options in the pluggins menu I don't recall having in the past
Side effect # 2.1: I think I used to have a weather option under 'pluggins' - now I don't.

Oh well, lets not worry about the side effects for now. How do I get the background images?

Infoservice version change?


Portal Pro
July 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Re: BleazleWide V8.1

You are correct Mister Watson! I'm running infoservice v

Thats the infoservice version that came with the installation... Am I supposed to find another version?

No, that version is fine (I thought I packed Version 1.5 with the install file, but whatever)

...I backed up the old files of the same name, and placed your .xml files here:
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\BleazleWide

That's the way to do it :)

..As you can see, still no weather background. However, I do get the 5-day forecast along the bottom....

That's how it's meant to be - the background only changes on the actual "Weather screen" (although with a few minor changes to the code it the background could change on the BasicHome screen too - personally I don't want that to happen, which is why it doesn't :D ). Once you have the above info showing (i.e. you can se the 5 day forecast as per your screenshot) click "OK" on your remote and you will go to the Weather screen. Check it out today, then check it out tonight...

Side effect # 1: I've lost several of the icons - ie. Music, Videos, Pictures, & Pluggins. <-- Not a huge deal for me.

Yep, as I said I've tweaked that page to suit me. It must look ugly without the icons though (mine are all showing) so if you have a look at the first post in this thread you'll see how to set it up to suit your needs. It might look complicated but it's pretty straightforward if you follow the steps listed...

Side effect # 2: I seem to have a bunch of options in the pluggins menu I don't recall having in the past

They will have been there before, dropping these two files in wouldn't have any effect on what is listed in your plugins menu. I tend to set my BasicHome screen up, and then in MPConfig->Plugins I set any plugins that are on my BasicHome screen to show on the Home screen (that's the scrolling one that you won't see if you've selected BasicHome as your Home screen). That way I don't have to scroll past plugins that are already linked to on the BasicHome screen when I'm in the Plugins screen. If you set up all of the optional buttons in the BasicHome screen you should hardly ever need to use the Plugins screen anyway unless you're running over 15 plugins :eek:

Side effect # 2.1: I think I used to have a weather option under 'pluggins' - now I don't.

See above :)

..How do I get the background images?

Already answered above :D

Yell out if you get stuck with anything.



Portal Pro
September 16, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Re: BleazleWide V8.1

Once again... thanks Mr. Speedy.

OK, i'll play with the .xml over the weekend to see if I can get it sorted.

Now, i have a 'feature request'!

I would really love it, if the whole background image would be a reflection of the real world weather.
I'm guessing that the center image in my above screen shot IS the background image (I'd previously thought it was a full screen image).

So... I guess the feature request is simple your 'minor code change' - as a configurable option. I'm sure others would love it too.

Also, could you post the names/locations of the images?
I might see if I can have a play and make full screen versions with some of my real world outsideness. eg. take photos of the view outside my house in different weather conditions, and overlay the 'icon', and booom! ...a whole new dimension to the weather backdrop :).

Oh, PS: I'm assuming that the backdrop in my previous screen shot is a cloudy moon because it was 8am?
When I went 'into' weather, the forecast for today was light showers, with a different icon - I'm guessing if I logged in to MP at mid-day the icon would reflect that?


Portal Pro
July 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Re: BleazleWide V8.1

Once again... thanks Mr. Speedy.

No worries - beats working :D

..I would really love it, if the whole background image would be a reflection of the real world weather.

It is - on the weather screen, as per the screenshots here: MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - 16:9

...I'm guessing that the center image in my above screen shot IS the background image (I'd previously thought it was a full screen image)...

No (your previous thought was right though) the hover image also changes with the current weather, as does the image that "slides in" on the top left of the weather screen (how cool is that? :D ) but (as noted above) the current weather image is shown as a fullscreen background on the weather screen...

...Also, could you post the names/locations of the images?
I might see if I can have a play and make full screen versions with some of my real world outsideness. eg. take photos of the view outside my house in different weather conditions, and overlay the 'icon', and booom! ...a whole new dimension to the weather backdrop :)...

I thought of doing that for my setup too but then I decided it was just a lot easier to look out the window (cool for when friends visit though :D )

Location of weather background files: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\weather\backdrops\

You'll see that a lot of the images are the same, just numbered differently, eg. these files: 9, 10, 11, 12, 37, 39 & 40.png. That's because the files that I replaced (and that are "called" by the XML code/InfoService plugin) were all near enough to being the same and I didn't want to make the directory too big (in MB) by using 48 different files - you can if you want to though. Check out this directory to see what the original icons look like for each PNG file: C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\weather\128x128

Oh, PS: I'm assuming that the backdrop in my previous screen shot is a cloudy moon because it was 8am?
When I went 'into' weather, the forecast for today was light showers, with a different icon - I'm guessing if I logged in to MP at mid-day the icon would reflect that?

Yep, the background image uses whatever the weather plugin (via the InfoService plugin) says the weather is like right now (or when it last updated) - which means that if the weather plugin says it's raining but it's actually sunny outside you'll still get a "raining" background - it's generally pretty accurate though.

Have fun tweaking...



Portal Pro
July 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Re: BleazleWide V8.1

I should have it done/uploaded by the end of this week. Lack of time as usual :(


Portal Pro
July 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
DriveSpace plugin "patch"

Hi All

EDIT: XML file removed - it's included in V8.1.1.0

getting this next version out is taking a while :sorry: I'm trying out a few new things (and I'm not sure that I like them yet so might have to change things back now :rolleyes: ) plus there are still changes to be made to make the skin fully MP 1.1 compatible (they are almost all done though).

In the meantime if you're using the latest version of the DriveSpace plugin - version 0.51 ( you might want to grab this file - just replace the current "settings.xml" file in the BleazleWide skin directory.

You can set up the DriveSpace GUI text however you like but this is what I use:

%drive% (%label%) %uspercent%% Used
Used: %usedspace% %unit%
Free: %freespace% %unit%
Total: %totalspace% %unit%

which gives you the following result:



Portal Pro
July 14, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Re: BleazleWide V8.1

BleazleWide V8.1.1.0 has just been uploaded and should be available in a few hours. See the first post in this thread for details.

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