BleazleWide V8.1.1.0 for MP 1.1.x (2 Viewers)


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  • August 7, 2008
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Re: BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    Hi Bleazle,
    just installed your skin and I love it it's great. As you are supporting InfoService would it be possible to support also Gecko Browser because it would be great if you click on RSS feed that the browser would be also support.
    Thanks and regards, ojessie


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    Hi Bleazle,
    just installed your skin and I love it it's great. As you are supporting InfoService would it be possible to support also Gecko Browser because it would be great if you click on RSS feed that the browser would be also support.
    Thanks and regards, ojessie

    I was just looking at that today :) I use the old webbrowser that InfoService used to use because I found it more reliable than the Gecko Browser when that was first released. I'll take a look at it and try to get something up in the next few days.

    ***** IMPORTANT *****

    I've just realised that the font.xml included in the current release is missing a key font - so when music/TV/Vids etc is being played the "time played" text in the overlay is tiny :rolleyes: :( I have attached the correct file to this post and will include it in the next upload. :sorry:

    Delete your cache after overwriting the current font.xml file


    • fonts.xml
      1.3 KB


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    ... As you are supporting InfoService would it be possible to support also Gecko Browser because it would be great if you click on RSS feed that the browser would be also support....

    I've been looking at this this morning and I'm having the same problems as you posted over on the InfoService thread :(

    ...RSS feed doesn't show up in Gecko browser. What ever I configure also in advanced menu it doesn't solve the problem.

    It seems strange that when you select GeckoBrowser in InfoSevice the window ID changes to 16004, but the ID of the xml file is 16002 :confused:

    Hopefully you get an answer to your question soon, I'll keep an eye on the thread. In the meantime I have gone back to using the old WebBrowser plugin - at least I can read the RSS feeds with it :)

    EDIT: Added download link/info for the WebBrowser plugin to the first post.


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  • July 11, 2008
    Wicklow - Ireland
    Re: BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    I have been looking at your skin for a touchscreen (only/primary display for a client with no remote) and so far at initial testing the only thing I am missing is a up/down arrow in the TV guide list...
    Am I overlooking something or is it easy to add this (I have never done any skinning)...
    Or has anybody any idea or better skin/suggestion for a skin to use for touchscreen without remote.
    I have been reading about the WEB interface but getting confused about the different approches.
    The other skins I have tried all seem to have some scrolling menu which is very hard to control with a touchscreen.
    The aim is to have a client connected with just using a 15" touchscreen monitor (kitchen for watching some TV and listening to Radio and music).



    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    Hi Juk,

    I'm out of town at the moment so I can't take a look at MediaPortal but maybe you should try the PureVision skins, catavolt (the skin creator) notes that they are Touch Screen friendly so maybe they have a way around the TV Guide issue you mention.

    Re: Web interface - are you talking about the InfoService/RSS Feeds/Ability to read issue? Just install the WebBrowser plugin and microsoftmshtml.dll files as noted in the first post of this threrad and you should good to go - if you change to another skin make sure it supports the InfoService and WebBrowser plugins.

    Hope that helps.


    MP Donator
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  • July 11, 2008
    Wicklow - Ireland
    Re: BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    thanks for your reply...
    I had a look at the PureVison skins but I only could get the scrolling menus (maybe there is a an option to change that but I dind't find that).....

    Regarding the WEB interface - I meant the WEBinterface and being able to view recordings etc through a browser... maybe that would be easier to handle with a touch screen. But as I said there seem to be several different angles that people are developing...

    If you do get a chance to have a look at the TV guide or give me a starting point on how to modify that would it be much appreciated.
    If I get that sorted your skin could be perfect for what I need (maybe I have to see if I can get some buttons from the Top bar enlarged)....

    thanks again!


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    I've had an idea - why not divide your TV Channels into groups of 9 (the number of rows the TVGuide shows in BleazleWide) and then use the "All Channels" button to go to the channels you want to view? Not the most convenient solution but I've got a feeling that there are no "up/down" spin control buttons available for the TCGuide. Let me know if you come across a skin that has some and I'll take a look at it

    Re: Enlarging the topbar buttons - the buttons are bigger than the images (there's blank space around them that is also part of the button) so unless youre going to remove some of the buttons making the actual image bigger won't make any real difference.




    MP Donator
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  • October 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    Just wanna say, new Bleazle Skin is amazing again, runs smooth as silk and looks lovely. Its my all time favourite skin. Thanks again Dave!


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  • May 25, 2008
    Home Country
    France France
    Re : BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    Hi Bleazle,

    only a quick question please. I'm setting the basic home screen and i was wondering if i can have hidden button elsewhere than on both right and left row ? I mean on 3 center rows ?



    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: BleazleWide V8.1.1.0

    @ Cressari :D

    @ cehes Yes and no. Yes it can be done but the buttons aren't already present in the code so you'll have to do a fair amount of coding to get what you're looking for. Obviously I don't know what you know about this stuff but so just in case you don't know anything but decide to give it a go (like me :D ) here are a couple of pointers:

    - Copy & Paste one of the existing row of buttons. The "Y" value won't change but the "X" values needs to match those for the main button you're placing the hidden buttons above.

    - Keep an eye on <id> numbers - if you get these wrong your button "visibility" won't work properly

    - The hover image in the middle of the screen - you will need to get ride of it or change the visibility condition so that if say you use the hidden buttons in the centre it disappears (in the same way that the music/video overlay does)

    - Don't forget to <define> the buttons at the top of the screen. I would do the buttons first, get them working and then tidy that up if it were me.

    Good luck!

    ++ I'm working on a new release at the moment which will be out in about a week I guess.

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