Re: AW: BleazleWide V8
Open basichome.xml with notepad
at the top will see this code.........
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DEFINABLE BUTTONS HERE - MAIN BUTTONS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-->
<!--:::: BUTTON 1 :::::::-->
<define>#item1hyperlink:501</define> <!--:::: The window ID of the page you want to link to :::::::-->
<define>#item1icon:hover_my music.png</define> <!--:::: The button and hover image you want shown :::::::-->
<define>#item1label:2</define> <!--:::: Button label - can be from the language file or plain text eg. Television :::::::-->
<!--:::: BUTTON 2 :::::::-->
Under button 1 change the "501" to the code you want. This is what opens the page or window you are looking for - see Bleazle's instruction for more on that and then change the picture by chaning the "hober_my music.png"
then finaly put the text in after label in third column (here is "2" but can be free text)
To change extended button scroll further down...
<!--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Extra Buttons Left Hand Side :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-->
<!--:::: Far left hand row - BOTTOM BUTTON :::::::-->
<define>#extraLHS1bottom.label: SearchMusic</define>
<define>#extraLHS1bottom.img:hover_global search.png</define>
<!--:::: Far left hand row - TOP BUTTON :::::::-->
define these in the same way.....
hope that helps?
Sing out if not
Please can you upload a screenshot from the xml - > i dont know what I must do
sorry ....:sorry:
Open basichome.xml with notepad
at the top will see this code.........
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DEFINABLE BUTTONS HERE - MAIN BUTTONS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-->
<!--:::: BUTTON 1 :::::::-->
<define>#item1hyperlink:501</define> <!--:::: The window ID of the page you want to link to :::::::-->
<define>#item1icon:hover_my music.png</define> <!--:::: The button and hover image you want shown :::::::-->
<define>#item1label:2</define> <!--:::: Button label - can be from the language file or plain text eg. Television :::::::-->
<!--:::: BUTTON 2 :::::::-->
Under button 1 change the "501" to the code you want. This is what opens the page or window you are looking for - see Bleazle's instruction for more on that and then change the picture by chaning the "hober_my music.png"
then finaly put the text in after label in third column (here is "2" but can be free text)
To change extended button scroll further down...
<!--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Extra Buttons Left Hand Side :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-->
<!--:::: Far left hand row - BOTTOM BUTTON :::::::-->
<define>#extraLHS1bottom.label: SearchMusic</define>
<define>#extraLHS1bottom.img:hover_global search.png</define>
<!--:::: Far left hand row - TOP BUTTON :::::::-->
define these in the same way.....
hope that helps?
Sing out if not