CybrDisplay External Status Plugin (1 Viewer)

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Portal Pro
May 15, 2008
thanks... i have xp Sp2... but there's no solution? only change S.O.? i prefer remain with Xp for the moment... thansk a lot anyway


Portal Member
March 2, 2008
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Hungary Hungary
If you see in the Wiki by the supported operating systems, you must use "Windows XP 32-bit Edition with Service Pack 3 or later" !


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  • April 23, 2007
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    so can you help me? If i select imon manager on "always off" and cybrdisplay/advance on "force Antec/imon restart after drive start" and "force manager to use keyboard" it works BUT after many seconds (10-20)... why? how can i resolve it? thanks

    p.s. imon manager ver 7.40.086
    imon firmware ver 0x440201

    Do you have the option "Delay Driver Initialisation" checked in advanced settings? This delays the driver from starting for a good 10 seconds, and is necessary for some "problem USB devices". You can try unchecking it and seeing if your display still works. If not, you'll have to put up with the delay.


    Portal Pro
    May 15, 2008
    i haven't check this option "delay..." so i have delay with 10seconds... i've installed an other plugin in process "external display" and the remote works perfectly BUT the text is off on VFD screen... so my situation is:
    Cybrdisplay---> works with delay
    External Display---> remote works perfectly BUT no text on vfd

    in configuration of mediaportal cybrdisplay is in home "plugin" but i have put it in "process".... is there anything wrong? sorrry for my english


    MP Donator
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  • April 23, 2007
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    That is correct, it needs to go in process plugins directory, even though it shows up in window plugins in configuration.

    Hopefully you don't have both the External Display and Cybrdisplay plugin enabled at the same time. There will be some delay if you have the options to stop / start frontview enabled.


    Portal Pro
    May 15, 2008
    now i use cybrdisplay only but.... where is option to stop/start frontview enabled? in advance i've selceted only "force Antec/imon restart after drive start" and "force manager to use keyboard"... and imon manager i have put "always off"... is it correct?... thanks


    Portal Member
    September 11, 2008
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    France France
    I actually got the same issue. And I neither check "restart imon" nor "force restart". Maybe it's a little faster than 10-20 seconds though, I would say something like 8-10.
    I'm fine with it so I didn't search for it. I guess it's just the time needed by the plugin to actually start. So maybe if you disable the most initialisation options as you can you will be able to dicrease this time ? Doesn't the plugin work at all if you let the imon manager run all the time (not any restart of stop) ?
    As well you should try to disable the "extensive log" option, after only a few minutes I already had over 30MB of data in my log file, obviously this option slows the plugin down.
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