It is included.Do you know if this tvengine is included or compatible with Mp1.2.3Final?
It would be a bad idea to install it.I'm not sure how to install this tvengine, i would be grateful if someone could guide me.
For some reason TV Server was not treating your tuner as a Digital Devices tuner. It saw the CI interface, but then ignored it even though you had ticked "...CAM is present...". This could be due to changes in the latest DD driver because nobody has reported such problems in the past.Can you tell me little about the changes you had to do in the patch?
You're welcome.Hi and thanks again for your patch.
This has nothing to do with my patch.I'm experincing heavy stuttering of picture and sound on channel Investigation Discovery. The channel works fine for 30sek and then starts stuttering progressively worse, until it is unwatchable after about 2min.
I can't help with this unless you can provide logs.On Canal9 i'm seeing heavy glitching and pixelation but it seems to be fine when commercials are on. I didn't include this channel in the logs because TVshop is on and the channel works fine then.