Download Black Glass Testing SVN skins (1 Viewer)


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May 4, 2010
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AW: Download Black Glass skins for Mediaportal 1.2.0 alpha


I think i found a bug in your skin.

I cannot switch views with "Switch View". When i click "Switch View" nothing happens. But the first time I started MP with Black Glass Nova I could switch the views...



  • Bug.png
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    Re: AW: Download Black Glass skins for Mediaportal 1.2.0 alpha


    I think i found a bug in your skin.

    I cannot switch views with "Switch View". When i click "Switch View" nothing happens. But the first time I started MP with Black Glass Nova I could switch the views...

    No, it's not a bug. This issue is caused by some changes in the latest MP svn. I keep the skin up-to-date with the current MP svn builds and it can happen that there are new features or changes that released MP 1.2.0 alpha does not support. This is one of those things.

    You can upgrade your installation by compiling a new MP 1.2.0 svn or you can revert to an older skin svn release.




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  • May 10, 2007
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    Re: Download Black Glass skins for Mediaportal 1.2.0 alpha

    Ciao tgx,
    have you heard on the management of logos in the mini guide?
    Hai le risposte sulla gestione dei loghi nel miniguide ? perche non ho dei risponde ! Perfavore ho provato dei avere dei informazioni ! ma niente !


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  • May 17, 2008
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    Re: Download Black Glass skins for Mediaportal 1.2.0 alpha

    Everything is there, just look at the screen more carefully!


    hi , now i see .... yes most info thir .... but verry confution to see all info need many clicking ...
    first to see movie full deatil have to stand on a movie title then click info or f9 then click imbd view .
    second to see actor bigrofy need to chang view to actor view ,then click again info or f9 and clck again,to see actor deatil ....

    can this be fix in a better way ?
    1.for exsample if click a movie title the imbd full info will view ,then can click play to play movie ?
    2. same thing for actor if stand on actor and click ,then the actor info will view ?

    thanks ..


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    October 26, 2007
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    Re: Download Black Glass skins for Mediaportal 1.2.0 alpha

    Just wanted to post a thank you Tgx. I just started using Black Glass Nova skin for MP 1.2 alpha and like it very much.

    I've tried several other wide skins since i got a new HD wide screen monitor and IMO think your Black Glass Nova skin is the best, the plugin support is very good and the basic home editor is easy learn how to use. Have been using aMPed on my TV and monitor, will be switching to Black Glass Nova on the monitor now. TV is still 4:3.

    Thank for the great skin.


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    Re: Download Black Glass skins for Mediaportal 1.2.0 alpha

    Ciao tgx,
    have you heard on the management of logos in the mini guide?
    Hai le risposte sulla gestione dei loghi nel miniguide ? perche non ho dei risponde ! Perfavore ho provato dei avere dei informazioni ! ma niente !
    I notified your request, but no dev has begun working on it yet.



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    Re: Download Black Glass skins for Mediaportal 1.2.0 alpha

    hi , now i see .... yes most info thir .... but verry confution to see all info need many clicking ...
    first to see movie full deatil have to stand on a movie title then click info or f9 then click imbd view .
    second to see actor bigrofy need to chang view to actor view ,then click again info or f9 and clck again,to see actor deatil ....

    can this be fix in a better way ?
    1.for exsample if click a movie title the imbd full info will view ,then can click play to play movie ?
    2. same thing for actor if stand on actor and click ,then the actor info will view ?

    Unfortunately this is the way the imbd database is supposed to work. I've seen some days ago on the internal dev forum a proposal to change this behaviour, but still no changes.



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  • May 17, 2008
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    Re: Download Black Glass skins for Mediaportal 1.2.0 alpha

    hi , now i see .... yes most info thir .... but verry confution to see all info need many clicking ...
    first to see movie full deatil have to stand on a movie title then click info or f9 then click imbd view .
    second to see actor bigrofy need to chang view to actor view ,then click again info or f9 and clck again,to see actor deatil ....

    can this be fix in a better way ?
    1.for exsample if click a movie title the imbd full info will view ,then can click play to play movie ?
    2. same thing for actor if stand on actor and click ,then the actor info will view ?

    Unfortunately this is the way the imbd database is supposed to work. I've seen some days ago on the internal dev forum a proposal to change this behaviour, but still no changes.


    hi Tgx ! thank you for the info , i hope the devloper will get the proposal and update the videos plugin ...


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  • March 18, 2009
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    Re: Download Black Glass skins for Mediaportal 1.2.0 alpha

    I will see what can be done with INFO view upon click, but still decision for that is on the team side after patch proposal.

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