This plugin keeps getting sweeter. Thanks for all your effort.
One thing I can't figure out presently:
This was meant to be in 0.6 and it just got overlooked. I just made the fix in the code, it will work correctly in the next release. %filename% will be replaced with the filename of the movie without the extension. If a movie is multi-part (has more than one file) it will use the filename of the first part.
Ah great. it seemed common enough.
Speaking of... The plugin can use an existing .nfo file to grab imdb numbers. A great usage scenario. Has there been any though to an option that could export groomed data back to the nfo file or some other named file that could sit in the directory along with a given movie file. This could help speed up identification on 'tagged' items and would make sure groomed changes wouldn't get lost in case a database had to be rebuilt or blown out for some reason. It's not uncommon that I may replace a foreign title with its US equivalent, but and IMDB search by default grabs the original foreign entry. I didn't see an export entry to this effect on the issues page.