DVBSky S952 - Any Comments? (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 7, 2012
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I made some comparisons, and based on the information available and on the actual photos of the the two cards, for me it looks that the DVBSky 952 and the Mystique SaTiX-S2 Sky Xpress DUAL cards are 100% identical cards just under different names. If I'm correct, Mystique S2 card is fully supported by MP, does it mean that DVBSKy 952 is too? They use exactly the same chipsets, take a look at the layout of the two cards:

Mystique S2

I read somewhere (but I can't remember where unfortunately) that they appear to be the same card and that they're closely related, but won't work with each other's drivers. That suggests to me that some sort of firmware may play a part. Don't judge a book by it's cover!

Still haven't received mine yet...


Portal Pro
July 20, 2010
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Hungary Hungary
I made some comparisons, and based on the information available and on the actual photos of the the two cards, for me it looks that the DVBSky 952 and the Mystique SaTiX-S2 Sky Xpress DUAL cards are 100% identical cards just under different names. If I'm correct, Mystique S2 card is fully supported by MP, does it mean that DVBSKy 952 is too? They use exactly the same chipsets, take a look at the layout of the two cards:

Mystique S2

I read somewhere (but I can't remember where unfortunately) that they appear to be the same card and that they're closely related, but won't work with each other's drivers. That suggests to me that some sort of firmware may play a part. Don't judge a book by it's cover!

Still haven't received mine yet...

It is the same hardware for sure, 99% identical, but will not work with the same drivers, not interchangeable. I do not understand so deeply what is the reason, but basically it doesn't matter too much.
Both should be very good cards, sorry to see no proper full DiSEqC support from MP side:([DOUBLEPOST=1373908101][/DOUBLEPOST]

Based on the information from TBS support, TBS6981 should fully work under latest Media Portal (1.4.0) and latest drivers from STB, including full DiSEqC support. Can you confirm this from your side, as the person who implements DiSEqC support to cards?

I found a user who has a DiSEqC swith setup (not motor) and a TBS6981 card, I hope he will help me to test this.

Thank you, your help is very much appreciated!


Portal Pro
July 20, 2010
Home Country
Hungary Hungary
If we find someone, he just need to try a multi-LNB setup with a diseqc switch, and if it is working, then a motor will work as well?
If it works then it depends how it works. Some tuners only support DiSEqC 1.0 (4 port switches) and have no ability to send raw DiSEqC commands.

If not supported, may I please ask you to add the support for this card?
Sure... but if we do it, it would probably be for the new TV engine.

As I have mentioned already, it is a very reliable card with excellent performance and price, it certainly deserves to have full MP compatibility. It is so important to have a reliable TV Card.
I agree. It is just as important to have good code to enable us to add support for new features quickly and to avoid creating bugs.

If you are about to add to the current 1.4.0 release, could it be in a form of a patch file or some replacement files that can be used for 1.4.0 release, and then include in the upcoming new versions?
I'm sorry, if DiSEqC does not already work then I can't provide any guarantee that we will do this. As I have found in the past, it is not just the 1.4 release that must be supported. We are always asked to support the next release, and the next release, and the next release (including alpha, beta, release candidate, final, x.x.1, x.x.2...) and that this a lot of work. We want to focus on the new TV engine where we can quickly add support, not on supplying patches for the current engine which may require nasty hacks.

Hi mm1352000,

I keep struggling with TV Cards, basically there is none that would work fine at the current situation. I narrowed down the choice to TBS 6981 and DVBSky 952, both twin tuners. The DVBSky card is a newer one, with a more advanced chipset, and many users of Openelec reported very good results with the card, including near perfect operation. In respect of this, I'm more closer to go with the DVBSky card, but I'm afraid that this card will not work properly under MP.

The specifications of the card are:
  • RF: Montage M88TS2020
  • Demodulator: 2nd generation Montage M88DS3103
  • PCIe Bridge: Conexant CX23885
Is there a way to know if DiSEqC motor would work under MP 1.4.0? Or the card itself?
I know you said that it is not too difficult (for an expert) to add support for this card to the current TV Server version, but that most probably it will not happen until the new TV Server is released (and that could be far away, perhaps year). Until then, we are stuck with a non working TV Server version with a great card. If I buy the card and send you the logs or whatever information you need (I can give access to my HTPC via VNC/TeamViewer if you need), could you do a big-big favour for all of us out here in need of a great DVB-S2 card that has no standby/resume, etc problems, has a great price, is available, has excellent channel zapping times, external power supply for motor and reliable power, to make a long story short: THE card most of us is looking for to build a stable HTPC and DVB-S2.

I know others are asking support for older versions of MP, but why would you support older versions? In case of a never one: MP 1.4.0 is working rock solid for me since the first day of release, and I can tell you, it is working a lot (at the moment with DVB-C card). LiveTV is excellent, Moving Pictures and TV Series too, did not encounter any serious error or problem. If we are left with this version, I can say that it is basically a very reliable and excellent software. If we have full support for DVBSky 952 card then it could be used for many many months until the new TV Server engine is released and hopefully all these issues with different cards would be resolved.

I do not usually ask for things, but in this case, I would very kindly like to ask for your help to implement DiSEqC motor support for the DVBSky 952 card in to the current 1.4.0 version of MP.

I'm not asking for a help for a card that I already have, but for a card that appears to be the very best choice at the moment, and that I would like to buy to have a great working card with my favourite MP:) The TBS6981 is also a very popular card, but the 952 is better in terms of hardware, less heat, more precise and sensitive demodulator, real PCIe bridge (not a USB conversion) and all this for a great price.

PS: I'm not working for DVBSky or have any connection with them, I have just made a very thorough research regarding available DVB-S2 cards, and after taking everything into consideration, it looks very much that DVBSky 952 is the best option at the moment.

In hope of positive answer! Thanks!


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello again gurabli

    Is there a way to know if DiSEqC motor would work under MP 1.4.0? Or the card itself?
    The card itself works. If you can read German:

    I've told you I can't confirm if DiSEqC motor control would work already from any information I have, and I've also told you we can only know if it would work for sure by finding somebody who has it working.

    I know you said that it is not too difficult (for an expert) to add support for this card to the current TV Server version...
    That isn't what I said. I said it would probably be possible but might require nasty hacks and workarounds. It will be much easier in the new TV engine.

    Until then, we are stuck with a non working TV Server version with a great card.
    I think "non working" is quite a strong term. We do the best we can to support a wide variety of hardware, but it is difficult for the devs to support hardware when they don't own it (ie. they can't test). I don't know of any dev on the team who has any DVBSky satellite tuner, let alone the specific tuner you're asking about.

    If I buy the card and send you the logs or whatever information you need (I can give access to my HTPC via VNC/TeamViewer if you need), could you do a big-big favour for all of us out here in need of a great DVB-S2 card that has no standby/resume, etc problems, has a great price, is available, has excellent channel zapping times, external power supply for motor and reliable power, to make a long story short: THE card most of us is looking for to build a stable HTPC and DVB-S2.
    Please be aware that most people don't care about DiSEqC support, let alone motor support. That is why nobody has responded to your threads. Really, your requirements are quite specific... ;)

    I know others are asking support for older versions of MP, but why would you support older versions? In case of a never one: MP 1.4.0 is working rock solid for me since the first day of release, and I can tell you, it is working a lot (at the moment with DVB-C card). LiveTV is excellent, Moving Pictures and TV Series too, did not encounter any serious error or problem. If we are left with this version, I can say that it is basically a very reliable and excellent software. If we have full support for DVBSky 952 card then it could be used for many many months until the new TV Server engine is released and hopefully all these issues with different cards would be resolved.
    MP 1.4 may be okay for you, but please trust me when I say I have been through this before. Other people will want the patch, and some of them will ask for support for new versions of MP. Don't forget that we are trying to move to a more frequent release cycle - with more releases there will be more demand for updated patches and more work for me.

    I do not usually ask for things, but in this case, I would very kindly like to ask for your help to implement DiSEqC motor support for the DVBSky 952 card in to the current 1.4.0 version of MP.

    I'm not asking for a help for a card that I already have, but for a card that appears to be the very best choice at the moment, and that I would like to buy to have a great working card with my favourite MP:) The TBS6981 is also a very popular card, but the 952 is better in terms of hardware, less heat, more precise and sensitive demodulator, real PCIe bridge (not a USB conversion) and all this for a great price.
    I understand that the card is attractive and I understand why you're asking me to add support.
    Here is my position:
    1. I don't have any DVBSky tuner.
    2. I don't have a satellite dish.
    3. I don't have a switch.
    4. I don't have a motor.
    5. I don't have a lot of time.
    6. I'm already working on a lot of things.
    7. I want to focus on different things.
    It will be time-consuming and tricky for me to help you. Nevertheless, against my better judgement I say: if you will buy the card and provide remote access to your PC I will commit to help create a patch for MP 1.4. To be very clear, I make no commitment for future versions of MP.

    Do you agree? :)



    Portal Pro
    July 20, 2010
    Home Country
    Hungary Hungary
    Hi mm1352000, and thank you very much for your detailed reply!

    Hello again gurabli

    Is there a way to know if DiSEqC motor would work under MP 1.4.0? Or the card itself?

    The card itself works. If you can read German:


    I've told you I can't confirm if DiSEqC motor control would work already from any information I have, and I've also told you we can only know if it would work for sure by finding somebody who has it working.

    Yes, I have read that German part of the forum with Google Translate, I see that the card works fine!
    Yes, I understand that we can find out more about DiSEqC when I have the card or if we find someone with a rotor and this card. Until now, I was not able to find anybody who might help.

    I know you said that it is not too difficult (for an expert) to add support for this card to the current TV Server version...

    That isn't what I said. I said it would probably be possible but might require nasty hacks and workarounds. It will be much easier in the new TV engine.

    Sorry, I have missed the nasty hacks and workaround part. I could wait for the new TV engine of course, no way to hurry you guys.

    Until then, we are stuck with a non working TV Server version with a great card.

    I think "non working" is quite a strong term. We do the best we can to support a wide variety of hardware, but it is difficult for the devs to support hardware when they don't own it (ie. they can't test). I don't know of any dev on the team who has any DVBSky satellite tuner, let alone the specific tuner you're asking about.

    I'm so sorry for this, I have not expressed myself the way I wanted with "not working". The contrary: I wanted to say that for me the whole MP 1.4.0, including the TV Server part, is working perfectly, I did not encounter nothing serious since the release, and it is heavily used every day. What I wanted to say with this that I have the EXCELLENT MP 1.4.0 and the DVBSky card and I'm missing on the rotor function:(
    I would again take the opportunity and say a big-big thanks for all of you who are working so hard on MP to bring us the best HTPC software available, your work is very much appreciated and I would never ever think about saying anything bad about MP or the work of the dev's, who are doing this in their free time! I'm so much interested in this because I find MP 1.4.0 very good and would be so nice to have the proper support for this card.
    I also understand that it is not so supported card (yet), but based on the specifications and the few feedbacks we have (from MP and Openelec community), it is perhaps the best card available for DVB-S2 PCIe at the moment. Of course, time will tell how reliable the card will be, and if the drivers are updated regularly, and the issues addressed with the drivers promptly. If they do so, they can have a very popular product on the market. Most of the cards cost much more, offer less, and still have very serious bugs. TBS cards have problems with heat, are using older chipsets, and many users report broken cards after some time (perhaps due to the heat?). Technisat has serious driver issues with no support at all, Blackdog is very expensive and also has many bugs, etc.
    Perhaps it would be a good idea to contact DVBSky and ask for sample cards for the devs, if I was a card developer, I would certainly support a team like Media Portal is.

    If I buy the card and send you the logs or whatever information you need (I can give access to my HTPC via VNC/TeamViewer if you need), could you do a big-big favour for all of us out here in need of a great DVB-S2 card that has no standby/resume, etc problems, has a great price, is available, has excellent channel zapping times, external power supply for motor and reliable power, to make a long story short: THE card most of us is looking for to build a stable HTPC and DVB-S2.

    Please be aware that most people don't care about DiSEqC support, let alone motor support. That is why nobody has responded to your threads. Really, your requirements are quite specific... ;)

    Strange, I imagined that rotor support is very frequent for SAT users, just as DiSEqC switches for multi-LNB setups. But you are right, there are not too many users with this requests. Most of those probably use a Linux based STB, since it is basically a plug&play

    I know others are asking support for older versions of MP, but why would you support older versions? In case of a never one: MP 1.4.0 is working rock solid for me since the first day of release, and I can tell you, it is working a lot (at the moment with DVB-C card). LiveTV is excellent, Moving Pictures and TV Series too, did not encounter any serious error or problem. If we are left with this version, I can say that it is basically a very reliable and excellent software. If we have full support for DVBSky 952 card then it could be used for many many months until the new TV Server engine is released and hopefully all these issues with different cards would be resolved.

    MP 1.4 may be okay for you, but please trust me when I say I have been through this before. Other people will want the patch, and some of them will ask for support for new versions of MP. Don't forget that we are trying to move to a more frequent release cycle - with more releases there will be more demand for updated patches and more work for me.

    I understand your point here completely. In case of older versions: I assume that there is no explanation needed why would anybody not understand that older versions are not supported.
    In case of new version, I would also say, that since 1.4.0 is quite stable, with this version one can use the HTPC until the release of the new TV Server. I would also like to have support for each new version, but I also understand that it is lot of work. So, having a stable good working release until the new TV Server is out I think is a completely acceptable scenario for everybody, at least for few of us how would very much need rotor support.

    I do not usually ask for things, but in this case, I would very kindly like to ask for your help to implement DiSEqC motor support for the DVBSky 952 card in to the current 1.4.0 version of MP.

    I'm not asking for a help for a card that I already have, but for a card that appears to be the very best choice at the moment, and that I would like to buy to have a great working card with my favourite MP:) The TBS6981 is also a very popular card, but the 952 is better in terms of hardware, less heat, more precise and sensitive demodulator, real PCIe bridge (not a USB conversion) and all this for a great price.

    I understand that the card is attractive and I understand why you're asking me to add support.

    Here is my position:

    1. I don't have any DVBSky tuner.
    2. I don't have a satellite dish.
    3. I don't have a switch.
    4. I don't have a motor.
    5. I don't have a lot of time.
    6. I'm already working on a lot of things.
    7. I want to focus on different things.
    It will be time-consuming and tricky for me to help you. Nevertheless, against my better judgement I say: if you will buy the card and provide remote access to your PC I will commit to help create a patch for MP 1.4. To be very clear, I make no commitment for future versions of MP.

    Do you agree? :)


    Thank you so much for this! I agree for sure:) I will buy the card, and since I'm still moving houses, the dish and the rotor will be set up later. I will contact you when everything is mounted and ready and we will see what can we do:) Of course, I will give you full remote access to my HTPC, just tell me what kind of access would you prefer. It is possible all this will happen late August, but we will speak until then. This sounds very good, you are really THE BEST!
    Of course, I will not ask you, and clearly ask others as well, for creating this patch for RC or beta versions or other new releases.

    But when new TV server will be available, you will add support to that, correct? You can also use my HTPC for testing in case if you will work on the new tv engine, but will discuss this later on. This is the least I can offer to support your work, my HTPC hardware is at your disposal:)

    Once again: THANKS!


    Portal Member
    March 7, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Tried out the card for the first time last night. Setup in MePo was just as easy as the TBS6981, and as trouble free. Installation was completely faultless.

    Channel changes are fast, but not miracle fast, I'd say about the same as a Freesat STB, maybe marginally better than the TBS. There's not much difference in change speed between SD and HD channels.

    There are two down sides so far:

    - Noise - When tuning, there's a high pitched squeal. I know this is normal for a tuner, however it seems more pronounced on this one.

    - Heat - The amount of heat produced is, quite frankly, ridiculous. I'm actually worried this card won't last. I currently only have one feed from my dish at home, so scanned each tuner individually. After a scan on either tuner the heat was incredible, to the point where the heat could be felt 150mm down the cable, through the insulation! The F connector wouldn't burn to the touch, but it was VERY hot. I didn't dare touch the actual tuners as I thought any residue from my fingers might cause overheat. I'm a bit nervous about trying the card with both tuners operating at once.

    My Moneual Moncaso 320 case has plenty of room surrounding the card (a free slot either side of it) and the case's top cover is generously vented, directly over the card. I touched the top of the case in numerous places, all were cold to the touch (PSU, CPU, GPU etc) except over the tuner card, where the chassis was noticeably hotter. Even when the tuner was idle, before it was connected to an LNB, it was still the warmest component in the machine. I have 2x 40mm chassis fans in the designated place in the chassis (Though I think the GPU may prevent flow from these getting to the tuner), and my GT430 has a fan pointing directly at the back of the tuner.

    Extremely disappointed with the temperatures. If my TBS didn't last, this has zero chance. Functionally though, it's been flawless and I've had zero issues. Drivers seem to be released regularly as well, the one I used last night was released on 22nd July.

    I have nowhere else in my case to put any fans. Does anyone know of a cooling solution? I thought about a heat extractor placed in the slot next to the card, but can't find a low profile/silent one. Has anyone tried sticking heat sinks to tuners?

    Regarding DiSEqC, I've never used it so am not sure what I'm talking about but in MePo 1.4 there were about 6 options available under the drop down for LNB type, DiSEqC included.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 24, 2012
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    Strange i've no heat issue at all mine does not even get overly warm while both tuners are locked, have been running well over 6 months and still going strong.


    Portal Member
    March 7, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Strange i've no heat issue at all mine does not even get overly warm while both tuners are locked, have been running well over 6 months and still going strong.

    I'm wondering if it's the scans that caused the temperature to shoot up. Have you noticed any excess heat on yours when performing a scan/a lot of channel switching?

    Next chance I get I'll put it on a HD channel and leave it viewing for an hour or two to see what happens.

    Have you tried any of the MePo features aimed at speeding up switching/resume? I'm thinking preloading/pause/stop etc.

    I know the review reads like I'm ripping the card to pieces, however other than the heat buildup I honestly can't fault it.

    Oh, in a low profile case the top LNB input is a bit close to the chassis, making the insertion of the card very difficult. I have the same problem with the TBS 6981 as well though, and this card is shorter.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    - Heat - The amount of heat produced is, quite frankly, ridiculous. I'm actually worried this card won't last. I currently only have one feed from my dish at home, so scanned each tuner individually. After a scan on either tuner the heat was incredible, to the point where the heat could be felt 150mm down the cable, through the insulation! The F connector wouldn't burn to the touch, but it was VERY hot. I didn't dare touch the actual tuners as I thought any residue from my fingers might cause overheat. I'm a bit nervous about trying the card with both tuners operating at once.

    I'd almost suspect from this description that you have a short in the cable that is causing high current => heat.


    Portal Member
    March 7, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    - Heat - The amount of heat produced is, quite frankly, ridiculous. I'm actually worried this card won't last. I currently only have one feed from my dish at home, so scanned each tuner individually. After a scan on either tuner the heat was incredible, to the point where the heat could be felt 150mm down the cable, through the insulation! The F connector wouldn't burn to the touch, but it was VERY hot. I didn't dare touch the actual tuners as I thought any residue from my fingers might cause overheat. I'm a bit nervous about trying the card with both tuners operating at once.
    I'd almost suspect from this description that you have a short in the cable that is causing high current => heat.

    A short in the cable? Could you elaborate on that? Do you think my PSU may be dead?

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