Feedback on 1.2 music changes (5 Viewers)


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  • January 27, 2005
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    2. When you enqueue and you don't jump anywhere there is no visual feedback at all that MP did something. This would result in me pressing Y a few times adding the same song... Then I would check the playlist and find the issue. So ideal would be a short (animated, skinnable) notification that "song X was added to the playlist, 2 songs from now". For multiple songs it would be ideal to show what was added, but maybe it is to complicated, so just show "added 12 songs to the playlist, 5 songs from now".
    yes this is annoying but unfortunately something that will probably have to wait until 1.3 (I have a plan for this ;))

    3. I would like to have an option that OK/Play would not interrupt the current song, but just inserts the songs after the currently played song (this would be perfect for parties!). Best would be to have this option in MP.
    IMHO play should always interrupt the current track. If no how could you decide you do not like the current track and want to play something else? Whether enter/ok queues tracks is an option in config ;) The select multiple tracks option though means setting this up would stop you being able to press enter/ok to start playback of a track and continue through the folder (you can press play on the folder though)

    The behaviour with the alternate playlist seems break the Now Playing screen. Hmm, strange I tried to reproduce the issue, but I couldn't. What happend was that I was playing a song outside the playlist, then whent to the playlist and pressed enter on an entry in the playlist. Now playing then showed the original song as being played.
    I have tried and tried but can not reproduce this (but as above I did see something similar last week). If anyone can figure out whether this is a problem and how to replicate I would be very interested.


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  • April 11, 2005
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    Y -> Enqueued song at the end of the playlist, but also jumped to now playing. I found this confusing, I expected it to stay & select the next song in the list
    P -> Added just the one song selected to the playlist and jumped to now playing. I found this confusing as well, but I would get used to that (an probably set jump to now playing to only when multiple items)
    I take it that you mapped P to the new ADD TO PLAYLIST action?
    Edit: Doh... this would be mapped to play then ;)

    I know this is confusing and I have tried to make it a little less so for msot people; now when anyone upgrades it will reset the jump to option to None.

    As you have found the jump when multiple items option should adjust this. Out of interest what would you expect to happen if you queued up an album (pressing Y on an album folder) or an artist (press Y on the artist folder) ?? Would you expect to go to do whatever the jump option is set to or stay where you were?

    I must admit my setup is for jump to now playing on multiple items and I think this works really well

    The same is true for me. I just had to get used to the fact that pressing Enter on a single song would still be a Multiple Items play.

    When enqueing I would not expect it to go to now playing. With Y I would allways stay where I am or (config option maybe?) go to the playlist (sorting and removing indivudal entries again). That is why it would be very comfortable to have a 2nd option to choose where MP jumps to when enqueing.

    2. When you enqueue and you don't jump anywhere there is no visual feedback at all that MP did something. This would result in me pressing Y a few times adding the same song... Then I would check the playlist and find the issue. So ideal would be a short (animated, skinnable) notification that "song X was added to the playlist, 2 songs from now". For multiple songs it would be ideal to show what was added, but maybe it is to complicated, so just show "added 12 songs to the playlist, 5 songs from now".
    yes this is annoying but unfortunately something that will probably have to wait until 1.3 (I have a plan for this ;))
    OK, I will wait for it. You can get used to the fact, so no big deal. But as an advanced media center, MP should have a notification system anyway (at least MP II).

    3. I would like to have an option that OK/Play would not interrupt the current song, but just inserts the songs after the currently played song (this would be perfect for parties!). Best would be to have this option in MP.
    IMHO play should always interrupt the current track. If no how could you decide you do not like the current track and want to play something else? Whether enter/ok queues tracks is an option in config ;) The select multiple tracks option though means setting this up would stop you being able to press enter/ok to start playback of a track and continue through the folder (you can press play on the folder though)
    Well if I do not like the current song, I just press Next on my remote ;)
    The use case I have for that (thats why I asked it to be an option) is for not interrupting the playback. But it just icing on top, enqueue should be enough.

    Hmm, although I do not use playlists a lot, I like the idea of this seperation. But I have one recommendation, which would make the whole option obsolete again:
    You already have the option of opening saved lists. So how about changing this to the following:
    1. You add an option to the Saved Playlists called "current" and "new" (add them to the top)
    2. When opening a playlist you don't start playing it (could be an option), you just display the playlist.
    3. The playlist that is displayed here is the "editing" playlist, so pressing Y adds a song to this playlist.
    4. The default is the "current" playlist, which models the default behaviour.

    Now you can use both ways of MP usage without opening MP config. How about it?
    The ability to switch between "editing" and "current" playlists within the playlist screen is something I want to sort out for 1.3.

    I did implement what you suggest when testing but within the playlist screen it then became confusing as to what playlist you were looking at. This is definitely something I will sort out in 1.3 but I want to do it in a way that is more obvious.

    Also the hard-core playlist people will moan about the extra button press to load the playlist ;)

    :D sure they will, but they will do that anyhow (if you target overall acceptance, don't change anything). What is so confusing about that? Just put "Current Playlist", "New Playlist" or "[Name] Playlist" in the Title and it should be clear. You could even have a config option to select which playlist should be visible when starting MP. Last, Current or New, default to Current and you have (pun intended) the current state.


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  • April 11, 2005
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    Hi jameson

    One last thing: When I use your patched core.dll I get crashes when retrieving Movie (!) infos from IMDB with F3. I just wanted you to know that, probably just inconsistencies due to different SVN versions being mixed.

    I am wainting for RC, since music behaviour will be much improved with your new version.


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    OK attached is what I have proposed to the team for 1.2 RC. To get this in I am going to need your help to test this.

    Since the last patch I have added an action to add to the playlist so you can map this to your remote and it will now move to the next item on the list if you add an item to the playlist.

    I now really need your help to test this else things will stay as they are in beta. I need testing of all different settings and options not just how you use music normally.

    Hi. Have just started testing this patch - thank you for your efforts, this hard-core playlist person will provide feedback as it comes to mind.

    Firstly, I use an IRTrans remote and am trying to map the 'Add to Playlist' action you mention to the remote. In the IRTrans section in the remote configuration section, when I press the 'Mapping' button, the MediaPortal configuration crashes. Works fine when I restore the original files; crashes using your patch files. No error log files are created. The configuration log (attached) shows a lot of errors about input devices - perhaps that will help.



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  • January 27, 2005
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    In the IRTrans section in the remote configuration section, when I press the 'Mapping' button, the MediaPortal configuration crashes.

    This is something that has changed since beta. You need to open your config file and edit manually for now.

    Look for
    			<action layer="0" condition="WINDOW" conproperty="605" command="ACTION" cmdproperty="80" sound="click.wav" />
    			<action layer="0" condition="WINDOW" conproperty="606" command="ACTION" cmdproperty="80" sound="click.wav" />
    and delete those lines and then it should work


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I removed those lines from the IrTrans mediacenter.xml file. I assume that is the config file you were talking about.

    The MP Configuration still crashes when I press the 'Mapping' button.

    I have attached the edited IrTrans mediacenter.xml file.



    • IrTrans mediacenter.xml
      16.9 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    I have attached the edited IrTrans mediacenter.xml file.
    Remove the following:
    		<button name="Messenger" code="messenger">
    			<action layer="0" condition="*" conproperty="-1" command="WINDOW" cmdproperty="32" sound="click.wav" />

    This is a different issue with old remote mappings and latest SVN not related to music.


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2007
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I removed those lines and pressing the 'Mapping' button in IRTrans config no longer crashes the configuration - thanks.

    I have tried mapping the 'Add to Playlist' action to the 'Record' button on my remote (replacing the 'Import Disc' action) - unfortunately, when using the 'Record' button to 'Add to Playlist', nothing gets added. Using the 'Record' button to 'Add to Playlist' on Album or Track, in Shares or Database views, doesn't work for me. I've tried using 'Playlist screen shows current playlist' option both ticked and unticked - doesn't work. Could you please detail exactly how this should be set up?


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I have tried mapping the 'Add to Playlist' action to the 'Record' button on my remote (replacing the 'Import Disc' action) - unfortunately, when using the 'Record' button to 'Add to Playlist', nothing gets added. Using the 'Record' button to 'Add to Playlist' on Album or Track, in Shares or Database views, doesn't work for me. I've tried using 'Playlist screen shows current playlist' option both ticked and unticked - doesn't work. Could you please detail exactly how this should be set up?

    Should be nothing to setup other than the mapping :confused:

    Can you post your current remote mapping file and post debug logs as this should work

    Edit: Indeed I have just mapped a keyboard shortcut to R in music database view. With the show current playlist option turned off then each time I highlight a track and press R it adds it to the playlist (whether or not the playlist is playing). For me this is working whether or not music is playing and whether not I select a folder (in which case it adds the whole folder) or a track.

    Can you try with a keyboard mapping to check this is not a remote issue?


    MP Donator
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  • June 17, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    OK attached is what I have proposed to the team for 1.2 RC. To get this in I am going to need your help to test this.

    Since the last patch I have added an action to add to the playlist so you can map this to your remote and it will now move to the next item on the list if you add an item to the playlist.

    I now really need your help to test this else things will stay as they are in beta. I need testing of all different settings and options not just how you use music normally.

    Is this patch file not compatible (anylonger) to (current 27992) SVN?

    Get some error applying it ...

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