Feedback on 1.2 music changes (5 Viewers)


Portal Pro
January 3, 2008
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Germany Germany
AW: Re: Feedback on 1.2 music changes

How on earth can you compile a playlist now in 1.2? It is necessary to listen to a track before adding it, but it seems this is inow mpossible. It use to work in 1.1 and earlier. It's now not usable.

I did had the same Problem, but it was only a configuration problem ... a few threads up

Seems that after updating to 1.2 it went back to "default" and have to set again :mad:

As above yes, untick this
View attachment 90757

and it will go back to how it was. This should not have changed between RC and final versions on upgrade though

Today I have test this way to uncheck this option, and noticed now that you I can listen to a song and bevor you will add it to the playlist. But this makes the handling of playing music partally not very plausible. I might be remember that this was the reason of rework the handling of playing Songs in 1.2 Beta. I think the old version has advantage an the new version.

I think the most common problem of the new Version (Playlist screen shows the current Playlist is checked) is that you can't listen to a song before you will add this to the Playlist. So many People switch to the old version with unchecked this Box. But than you will play songs in Mediaportal without beeing in the Playlist, this is confusing. I think especially when people use this function which are not so absorbed in MediaPortal. Like a guest, Wife etc. ;-)

So my opinion is:

1. You must definitly have an function to listen to a song befor you will add this to the Playlist. But it is enough for only one song.
- So maybe a Point in the contextmenu "Preview this song" would be right way. I think this is enough, beacuse all the others
makes it confusing.

2. The other functions should be work like you have checked the Box (Playlist screen shows the current Playlist is checked)

- Okay Button should play or queue the songs in the Playlist ( one songs or all songs in the view)
So this must not be chenged

- the same thing about the Play Button, no change needed

- the contextmenu can also ahve the same function, too. Only the Point "preview the song" should be add

I think this makes it on the one hand very plausible and the other hand you can preview to a song.

What dou you think ?


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  • June 17, 2008
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    after many weeks of satisfied useage "the old style", I recognized an unexpected behaviour: If in Playlist "repeat" is enabled, "normal" playback without a playlist (the hidden background playlist?!?) repeats allways the same song. I expected the repeat option would only repeat a playlist and "normal playback" wouldn't be affected by this.

    Any Idea to solve this?


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    I'm not sure if this is peculiar to Music or a general change since 1.2.x. In previous versions, I could back up one level at a time after drilling down into multi-level music views by pressing the "back" or "exit" keys. Since upgrading to MP 1.2.1, these keys return me to the main menu. Is there some way to restore their earlier functionality?

    P.S. I think I must be losing my mind, because the "Back" key is now working the way I would expect. I am not aware of changing anything.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    There are a few things here that don't work as I expect:
    1. Sometimes when scrolling down through music lists, text is no longer displayed (see MusicNoNames.jpg).
    2. In Genre views, the end list (tracks) is always empty (see drilldown sequence in MusicGenres1-3.jpg).
    3. I would like to be able to use both keyboard and remote control to key in letters (e.g. as supported by the Online Videos plugin). At present, it seems that only remote control input (in SMS mode) is supported.
    Is there something I can do to correct these, or do I need to file a bug report?


    • musicNoNames.png
      947.3 KB
    • MusicGenres1.png
      1,008 KB
    • MusicGenres2.png
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    • MusicGenres3.png
      599.1 KB


    Portal Pro
    April 18, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Just thought I would mention something that seemed a little odd to me, havent extensively tested it as only just noticed it last night.

    In my skins main menu (mustayaluca) I have a "Music" option which shows me the latest added tracks / albums. Last night I clicked on an album and it started playing as I expected and played in sequence as expected (ie track 1 then track 2 etc), however what slightly confused me is when I went to the playlist I expected to see the album's tracks there, with the current track being highlighted. This wasnt the case, only the first track from the album was present.

    Is the expected behaviour (I hope not) or is this a bug ?



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 11, 2005
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    I'm not sure if this is peculiar to Music or a general change since 1.2.x. In previous versions, I could back up one level at a time after drilling down into multi-level music views by pressing the "back" or "exit" keys. Since upgrading to MP 1.2.1, these keys return me to the main menu. Is there some way to restore their earlier functionality?

    P.S. I think I must be losing my mind, because the "Back" key is now working the way I would expect. I am not aware of changing anything.

    If you did drill down, it will go back up. If you came here from the main menu, it will go back to home.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    There are a few things here that don't work as I expect:
    1. Sometimes when scrolling down through music lists, text is no longer displayed (see MusicNoNames.jpg).
    2. In Genre views, the end list (tracks) is always empty (see drilldown sequence in MusicGenres1-3.jpg).
    3. I would like to be able to use both keyboard and remote control to key in letters (e.g. as supported by the Online Videos plugin). At present, it seems that only remote control input (in SMS mode) is supported.
    Is there something I can do to correct these, or do I need to file a bug report?

    Further to 1, I noticed this again today in an album track listing under "Album Artists" (see attached screenshot). On closer examination, it seems to be an overlay problem. The list isn't empty, but as soon as I scroll down from the parent directory ("..") line, the text (track title, etc.) appears only for a split second, then disappears.



    • AlbumTtracks.png
      922.5 KB


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    There are a few things here that don't work as I expect:
    1. Sometimes when scrolling down through music lists, text is no longer displayed (see MusicNoNames.jpg).
    2. In Genre views, the end list (tracks) is always empty (see drilldown sequence in MusicGenres1-3.jpg).
    3. I would like to be able to use both keyboard and remote control to key in letters (e.g. as supported by the Online Videos plugin). At present, it seems that only remote control input (in SMS mode) is supported.
    Is there something I can do to correct these, or do I need to file a bug report?

    Further to 1, I noticed this again today in an album track listing under "Album Artists" (see attached screenshot). On closer examination, it seems to be an overlay problem. The list isn't empty, but as soon as I scroll down from the parent directory ("..") line, the text (track title, etc.) appears only for a split second, then disappears.

    In PureVisionHD Horizon 5.2, I don't see problem #1 above, so at least that one appears to be a skin problem.
    Problems 2 & 3 are still evident.

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