Feedback on 1.2 music changes (1 Viewer)


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  • June 17, 2008
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    OK attached is what I have proposed to the team for 1.2 RC. To get this in I am going to need your help to test this.

    Since the last patch I have added an action to add to the playlist so you can map this to your remote and it will now move to the next item on the list if you add an item to the playlist.

    I now really need your help to test this else things will stay as they are in beta. I need testing of all different settings and options not just how you use music normally.

    First quick (&dirty) Test with some "ordinary activities" : Good Job! All did behave as I expected/like to have!


    Will see how my wife thinks of it... as allways: No news, are good news! ;)


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  • December 16, 2006
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    AW: Re: Feedback on 1.2 music changes

    OK attached is what I have proposed to the team for 1.2 RC. To get this in I am going to need your help to test this.

    Since the last patch I have added an action to add to the playlist so you can map this to your remote and it will now move to the next item on the list if you add an item to the playlist.

    I now really need your help to test this else things will stay as they are in beta. I need testing of all different settings and options not just how you use music normally.

    Tested it today and haven't found any problems so far. Great work!


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  • October 26, 2005
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    Should be fixed in the post above. (Sort of anyway). Skipping the top level is a little problematic as MP does not know if you are going up or down the view and gets confused. With this fix it will skip when you enter the view but will show the skipped level when you go back up. Not ideal but needs more work for a better solution

    This is to confirm that this works exactly as you describe, which in not yet ideal but already much better than before :)

    Thx a lot



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  • April 11, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    OK attached is what I have proposed to the team for 1.2 RC. To get this in I am going to need your help to test this.

    Since the last patch I have added an action to add to the playlist so you can map this to your remote and it will now move to the next item on the list if you add an item to the playlist.

    I now really need your help to test this else things will stay as they are in beta. I need testing of all different settings and options not just how you use music normally.

    Hi jameson. Could you give me a short definition of the changes (the expected behaviour)? Just the add to playlist action or what is the result (I followed the thread for a while, but I seem to have lost the understanding of the different changes by now...:mad: )



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  • January 27, 2005
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    Hi jameson. Could you give me a short definition of the changes (the expected behaviour)? Just the add to playlist action or what is the result (I followed the thread for a while, but I seem to have lost the understanding of the different changes by now...:mad: )
    I partly don't want to tell you :p

    Part of what I want is for people to see if everything makes sense and there is less confusion than before.
    the key change really is around playlists and config options. Now there is a tick box on the playlist screen to choose whether the playlist screen always shows the current (now playing) playlist or whether it shows a separate playlist which can be manipulated independently of what is actually playing.

    The key really is testing that the options to set what enter/ok buttons do and this new tick box on the playlist screen make more sense than before and that they actually work.


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  • April 11, 2005
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    OK, I will just close my eyes & dive in. I will report what I think about that, OK?


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  • January 27, 2005
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    OK, I will just close my eyes & dive in. I will report what I think about that, OK?

    Exactly what I want :D

    Then try changing the options and seeing if you are happy that they change things and do actually work.



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  • April 11, 2005
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    First Feedback: I had no NW connection, so the music on my NAS was not there. Selecting Play (or Y for adding to playlist) resulted in 17 Error Pop-Ups that each song could not be played. That might be improved ;)

    More to come.
    -----------> 2nd post
    OK, now I am confused.

    My settings are:
    1. Show the current playlist
    2. OK = Play, Add All Tracks = Yes
    3. Jump to Now Playing [allways]

    I tried on an individual song in an album (used shares view, will try db view later on):
    OK -> as expected, played starting with the current song, enqueued all (why enque songs that are before the current I did not get initially, but I guess that way you can press previous track which is more like a CD player), jumped to now playing
    Y -> Enqueued song at the end of the playlist, but also jumped to now playing. I found this confusing, I expected it to stay & select the next song in the list
    P -> Added just the one song selected to the playlist and jumped to now playing. I found this confusing as well, but I would get used to that (an probably set jump to now playing to only when multiple items)

    I will now set jump to now playing only with multiply items & check that.

    So the difference between Enter/OK & P(lay) is that Play only plays the current element. OK, I can dig that and I like that you have the choice.

    -----------> 3rd post

    OK, now that I tried all, I dig the way it works. To me this is an almost perfect setup. I just have 3 things I would change / add
    1. Jumping to now playing on Y is a mistake. When you add something to the playlist you usually want to continue working on the playlist. So ignore the Jump To setting on Y or allow user to select what to do (I guess some people would prefer to jump to the playlist), so ideal would be 2 options what to do, one for Play, one for Enqueue.
    2. When you enqueue and you don't jump anywhere there is no visual feedback at all that MP did something. This would result in me pressing Y a few times adding the same song... Then I would check the playlist and find the issue. So ideal would be a short (animated, skinnable) notification that "song X was added to the playlist, 2 songs from now". For multiple songs it would be ideal to show what was added, but maybe it is to complicated, so just show "added 12 songs to the playlist, 5 songs from now".
    3. I would like to have an option that OK/Play would not interrupt the current song, but just inserts the songs after the currently played song (this would be perfect for parties!). Best would be to have this option in MP.

    oh and a last idea would be an undo button. But that is probably too much right now.

    So and just for completness I will check the other way of showing the playlist, but as I am not a big playlist builder, this is probably not for me.

    ----> 4th post :eek:

    The behaviour with the alternate playlist seems break the Now Playing screen. Hmm, strange I tried to reproduce the issue, but I couldn't. What happend was that I was playing a song outside the playlist, then whent to the playlist and pressed enter on an entry in the playlist. Now playing then showed the original song as being played.

    Hmm, although I do not use playlists a lot, I like the idea of this seperation. But I have one recommendation, which would make the whole option obsolete again:
    You already have the option of opening saved lists. So how about changing this to the following:
    1. You add an option to the Saved Playlists called "current" and "new" (add them to the top)
    2. When opening a playlist you don't start playing it (could be an option), you just display the playlist.
    3. The playlist that is displayed here is the "editing" playlist, so pressing Y adds a song to this playlist.
    4. The default is the "current" playlist, which models the default behaviour.

    Now you can use both ways of MP usage without opening MP config. How about it?


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  • January 27, 2005
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    Y -> Enqueued song at the end of the playlist, but also jumped to now playing. I found this confusing, I expected it to stay & select the next song in the list
    P -> Added just the one song selected to the playlist and jumped to now playing. I found this confusing as well, but I would get used to that (an probably set jump to now playing to only when multiple items)
    I take it that you mapped P to the new ADD TO PLAYLIST action?
    Edit: Doh... this would be mapped to play then ;)

    I know this is confusing and I have tried to make it a little less so for msot people; now when anyone upgrades it will reset the jump to option to None.

    As you have found the jump when multiple items option should adjust this. Out of interest what would you expect to happen if you queued up an album (pressing Y on an album folder) or an artist (press Y on the artist folder) ?? Would you expect to go to do whatever the jump option is set to or stay where you were?

    I must admit my setup is for jump to now playing on multiple items and I think this works really well


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    The behaviour with the alternate playlist seems break the Now Playing screen. Hmm, strange I tried to reproduce the issue, but I couldn't. What happend was that I was playing a song outside the playlist, then whent to the playlist and pressed enter on an entry in the playlist. Now playing then showed the original song as being played.
    I did see this once too but could not replicate it... I will do digging into the code

    Hmm, although I do not use playlists a lot, I like the idea of this seperation. But I have one recommendation, which would make the whole option obsolete again:
    You already have the option of opening saved lists. So how about changing this to the following:
    1. You add an option to the Saved Playlists called "current" and "new" (add them to the top)
    2. When opening a playlist you don't start playing it (could be an option), you just display the playlist.
    3. The playlist that is displayed here is the "editing" playlist, so pressing Y adds a song to this playlist.
    4. The default is the "current" playlist, which models the default behaviour.

    Now you can use both ways of MP usage without opening MP config. How about it?
    The ability to switch between "editing" and "current" playlists within the playlist screen is something I want to sort out for 1.3.

    I did implement what you suggest when testing but within the playlist screen it then became confusing as to what playlist you were looking at. This is definitely something I will sort out in 1.3 but I want to do it in a way that is more obvious.

    Also the hard-core playlist people will moan about the extra button press to load the playlist ;)

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