Finally working IP-TV solution for TV Server! (1 Viewer)

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  • February 14, 2008
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    Hi all,

    iptv patch for TVServer RC4 is available for download from first post


    Portal Member
    January 14, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    HI Mikeyko!
    Thanks for the TVServer RC4 patch, but I still have a problem.
    IPTV works well, but the video freeze or collapses
    VLC, WMP and PROGDVB shows video perfectly.
    The first question Is it possible to change UDP or RTP buffer in msec for NW source plus?
    Also I tried to play the buffer live1-0.ts.tsbuffer1.ts, it also freeze. It is mean that the problem is in a server. What solution can be?
    Sorry for my English


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 14, 2008
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    HI Mikeyko!
    Thanks for the TVServer RC4 patch, but I still have a problem.
    IPTV works well, but the video freeze or collapses
    VLC, WMP and PROGDVB shows video perfectly.
    The first question Is it possible to change UDP or RTP buffer in msec for NW source plus?
    Also I tried to play the buffer live1-0.ts.tsbuffer1.ts, it also freeze. It is mean that the problem is in a server. What solution can be?
    Sorry for my English

    Hi, it should not be a problem in TVServer but rather in MP player. Try to change video/audio filters for TV. I have best experience with Microsoft video/audio filters. Try to make simple test: start SetupTV, click TV channels and select one. Click preview. If you will see picture, problem is not in tv server. Or, try to record some channel and play it back in MP and other software. If this recorded TS is playable, your TVServer is working fine


    Portal Member
    January 14, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    When I Click preview in SetupTV, I can see picture and it also freeze, same as I see in MP. I already changed all codacs, but the same result.
    I also recorded video and it freeze every 5-10 seconds.

    You can download my timeshift buffer
    Here (wait for 10 seconds) or here RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

    It is not a Codec problem. When I playing this graph video is perfect.


    And here my graph for MP



    • MP graph.jpg
      MP graph.jpg
      53.7 KB
    • elecard.jpg
      19.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    October 31, 2007
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    Denmark Denmark
    Am I the only one who are having problems with getting tv to work on clients? All works perfect on the server...

    SORRY. Stupid me! forgot to copy TvBusinessLayer.dll and TvLibrary.Interfaces.dll to main MediaPortal directory on the client...

    Now everything works


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 3, 2007
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    Still can't get it to tune my channel. WHen it tries to tune, I see IP activity which denotes the stream is started.

    Is there any way to manually enter the channel into the TVServer Database. Tried through the GUI but next time I open it, says no card assigned and have to delete it.

    Just want to see if tuning is the only problem here or if viewing will also fail.


    Portal Member
    February 28, 2007
    Graphedit have to run to see channels

    I'm having a problem where timshifting fails on remote client. After removing firewalls and every thinkable solution i found out that graphedit has to run on the tv-server computer for it to be able to show on remote client.
    In tv-server configuration i can preview channels without graphedit running.

    tv.log without graphedit running:
    2008-12-03 18:13:17.518250 [4]: subch:0 OnGraphStarted
    2008-12-03 18:13:17.518250 [4]: subch:0 SetupPmtGrabber:pid 101 sid:1
    2008-12-03 18:13:17.518250 [4]: subch:0 set pmt grabber pmt:101 sid:1
    2008-12-03 18:13:17.518250 [4]: subch:0 wait for pmt:101
    2008-12-03 18:13:17.533875 [4]: subch:0 wait for pmt:101
    2008-12-03 18:13:17.549500 [4]: subch:0 wait for pmt:101
    2008-12-03 18:13:17.580750 [4]: subch:0 wait for pmt:101
    2008-12-03 18:13:17.596375 [4]: subch:0 wait for pmt:101
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: Timedout waiting for PMT after 10 seconds. Increase the PMT timeout value?
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: dvbip: tune: Graph running. Returning TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: card: tuned user: mediacenter subchannel: 0
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: user:mediacenter add
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: card: Tuner locked: True
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: **************************************************
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: ***** SIGNAL LEVEL: 100, SIGNAL QUALITY: 100 *****
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: **************************************************
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: card2:mediacenter 3 0
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: Controller: mediacenter 3 0
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.518250 [4]: control2:mediacenter 3 0
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: Controller: delete timeshift files E:\Timshiftin\live3-0.ts
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: card: StartTimeShifting 3 E:\Timshiftin\live3-0.ts
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: card: CAM enabled : False
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: subch:0 SetTimeShiftFileName no pmt received. Timeshifting failed
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: card: remove user:mediacenter sub:0
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: user:mediacenter remove
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: card: free subchannel sub:0
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: tvcard:FreeSubChannel:1 #0
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: DVB subch:0 Decompose()
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: FreeSubChannel CA: freeing sub channel : 0
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
    2008-12-03 18:13:27.533875 [4]: dvb:confused:topGraph
    2008-12-03 18:13:28.533875 [4]: dvbip:Add NWSource-Plus
    2008-12-03 18:13:29.533875 [4]: dvb: Render [source]->[inftee]
    2008-12-03 18:13:29.549500 [4]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels:
    2008-12-03 18:13:30.549500 [4]: dvbip:Add NWSource-Plus
    2008-12-03 18:13:31.549500 [4]: dvb: Render [source]->[inftee]

    And with graphedit running:
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.471375 [12]: subch:0 SendPMT version:0 len:41 1
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 cam flags:True
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 SetMpegPidMapping
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 pid:0 pcr
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 pid:101 pmt
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 pid:200 video type:MPEG-2
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 map pid:200 video type:MPEG-2
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [8]: subch:0 wait for pmt:101
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 pid:240 teletext type:6
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 map pid:240 teletext type:6
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 pid:280 audio lang:nor type:MPEG-2
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 map pid:280 audio lang:nor type:MPEG-2
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.487000 [12]: subch:0 stop tif
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: dvbip: tune: Graph running. Returning TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: card: tuned user: mediacenter subchannel: 0
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: user:mediacenter add
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: card: Tuner locked: True
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: **************************************************
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: ***** SIGNAL LEVEL: 100, SIGNAL QUALITY: 100 *****
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: **************************************************
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: card2:mediacenter 2 0
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: Controller: mediacenter 2 0
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: control2:mediacenter 2 0
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: Controller: delete timeshift files C:\Timeshift\live2-0.ts
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: card: StartTimeShifting 2 C:\Timeshift\live2-0.ts
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: card: CAM enabled : False
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.518250 [8]: subch:0 SetTimeShiftFileName:C:\Timeshift\live2-0.ts
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.533875 [8]: subch:0 SetTimeShiftFileName fill in pids
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.533875 [8]: subch:0-0 tswriter StartTimeshifting...
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.533875 [8]: Set video / audio observer
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.533875 [8]: card: WaitForUnScrambledSignal
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.533875 [8]: card: return not scrambled
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.533875 [8]: card: WaitForTimeShiftFile
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.533875 [8]: card: WaitForUnScrambledSignal
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.533875 [8]: card: return not scrambled
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.533875 [8]: card: WaitForTimeShiftFile - waiting _eventAudio & _eventVideo
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.580750 [12]: PID seen - type = Video
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.580750 [12]: audioVideoEventHandler Video
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.705750 [12]: PID seen - type = Audio
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.705750 [12]: audioVideoEventHandler Audio
    2008-12-03 18:16:45.705750 [8]: card: WaitForTimeShiftFile - start of the video & audio is seen
    2008-12-03 18:16:46.190125 [8]: user:mediacenter card:2 sub:0 add stream:C:\Timeshift\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
    2008-12-03 18:16:46.190125 [8]: RTSP: start streamer
    2008-12-03 18:16:46.190125 [RTSP Streaming thread]: RTSP: Streamer started
    2008-12-03 18:16:46.190125 [8]: RTSP: add stream stream2.0 file:C:\Timeshift\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
    2008-12-03 18:16:46.190125 [8]: Controller: StartTimeShifting started on card:2 to C:\Timeshift\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
    2008-12-03 18:16:46.487000 [14]: Controller: DoSetChannelStates for 45 channels


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 14, 2008
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    zeddicius - this is very strange :) But good find


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 14, 2008
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    Slovakia Slovakia
    Still can't get it to tune my channel. WHen it tries to tune, I see IP activity which denotes the stream is started.

    Is there any way to manually enter the channel into the TVServer Database. Tried through the GUI but next time I open it, says no card assigned and have to delete it.

    Just want to see if tuning is the only problem here or if viewing will also fail.

    yes, it is possible to manually add channel to database, but you need to know all TS pids that scanner should detect. Try ProgDVB software, as I remember it is working similarly so you can get the pids you need
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