HDTV Tuning details for Canal Digital on Thor (3 Viewers)


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  • July 19, 2005
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    Maybe DVBviewer have locked the card with a service & because of that MP can't use it.



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  • October 21, 2007
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    Roy, I have shot down all unnessecarry service, and killen all non windoze processes, but still I get the same result.

    You are probably right - ven a channel scan behaves strangely: No signal, and Nothig found is all that is returned on my usual transponders :(

    In DVBViewer everything look quite OK though.

    Ambass, I'm currently restoring an old backup with RC1 - If not the wife thing goes berserk, I will have a raw file for you before I go to bed!


    Portal Member
    June 1, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    Foolishly I did the same thing in DVBViewer as Lindhardsen, I unchecked the 'Open whole transponder' to see if I would get any picture there as well. And I did, though very jittery. And after that nothing worked in MP. Couldn't watch ANY channels, or do a scanning for channels. So I marked 'Open whole transponder' again, but that didn't help. Several reboots didn't helt either and I even uninstalled DVBViewer and still got nothing in MP. Finally I created a new ini-file for scanning (basically just copied the one I was already using) and after that everything worked again! Weird, to say the least.
    But of course the TV4 HD Fotboll channels are still working as bad as before; not at all.

    Now, I don't even know what the 'Open whole transponder' does in DVBViewer (or apparently to my entire system!?), but it would be nice if the same setting could be done in MP. But I can't find anything like it. If it exists, maybe it's called something else?


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 19, 2005
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    Hmmm, i search & read what it meant & it's a workaround for not working filtering on HW(Floppy/Fire) which means if they have something not working on hardware side of this we could have problems, but maybe we just have to use more information in ini file.



    Portal Pro
    October 21, 2005
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    Sweden Sweden
    TV Server Crash


    Noticed your discussion. Am no fotball fan but had to try..

    I actually get at TV server crash when tuning to TV4 HD Fotboll 2 . (No pic on TV4 HD Fotboll 1)

    Attaching TV server logs if that can be to any help.

    // Kalon

    5 clients - TV server - Firedtv T & S2 - Vista


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  • October 21, 2007
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    Foolishly I did the same thing in DVBViewer as Lindhardsen, I unchecked the 'Open whole transponder' to see if I would get any picture there as well. And I did, though very jittery. And after that nothing worked in MP. Couldn't watch ANY channels, or do a scanning for channels. So I marked 'Open whole transponder' again, but that didn't help. Several reboots didn't helt either and I even uninstalled DVBViewer and still got nothing in MP. Finally I created a new ini-file for scanning (basically just copied the one I was already using) and after that everything worked again! Weird, to say the least.
    But of course the TV4 HD Fotboll channels are still working as bad as before; not at all.

    Now, I don't even know what the 'Open whole transponder' does in DVBViewer (or apparently to my entire system!?), but it would be nice if the same setting could be done in MP. But I can't find anything like it. If it exists, maybe it's called something else?

    Mohram, I'm glad it worked out for you! I tried your trick, and created an new ini file, but it does nto make any difference for me :-(

    This is really wierd. I restored the whole HTPC back to a 2 week old backup. And still it does not work for me!!!:eek:

    Now, and good advice (oh, it does not even have to be good) would be highly appreciated!

    By the way Mohran, now that you have the problem again, could you try to generate a RAW ts stream, so that Ambass can continue his troubleshooting?
    The description is Here

    Would be glad to do it myself, but as you might understand, I'm not in a position to do so right now :-(


    Portal Member
    June 1, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    I'm not really sure if I did it correctly, but I hope so. Have now uploaded the files so that whoever has the ability to maybe get something out of it may look at it. If the file is fraked up and useless, let me know and I'll try to make a new one.... :)


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  • October 21, 2007
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    Mohram, could you try to specify more in details what you did to make MP work again? I have restored an old backup, uninstalled MP and TV server ( real reinstall) updated to latest SVN, tried to delete the 0.8W.... ini file and created a new with the same content...

    Still, all I get when I try to scan for channels is: Nothing Found ???

    Ill try to contact the deal I purchased the FloppyDTV card from. It's really close to where I live, so hopefully he have another card that I can test with!


    Only thing thats positive here, is that I now CAN see football using DVB Viewer - But that application have a very low WAF, so I hope to get MP back in business asap!


    Portal Member
    June 1, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    Well, the last thing I did before it kicked back in was the change of the ini-file. But of course there were a few things I did before that, but they didn't seem to have any effect. But it could be that something I did earlier took some time before it gave effect. So... the things I did in attempt to get MP working again was (as best as I can remember): Uninstalled DVBViewer and deleted every folder that had anything to do with it, reboot the computer several times, turn of the computer and pull out the powercord, remove and put back the CAM, reboot some more and... to be very precise about what I did with the ini-file, I copied the content of the "0.8°W Thor 3_5.ini" into the "0.8°W Thor 2_3.ini" and then (of course) changed to 0.8°W Thor 2/3 in the satellite list in TV Server config.
    I think that is pretty much it. And between everything I always tried to do a channel scan, and failed.

    Still can't understand how changing that setting can influence other programs, unless it actually changes something in the hardware, the FloppyDTV card itself. Have you tried removing it from the computer and then putting it back, to maybe "reset" the card?


    MP Donator
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  • October 21, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    Now it's time for bed, but I have unplugged the firewire cord from the Floppy card, and I have unplugged the power cord form the pc. Will see if that makes any difference tomorrow morning.

    Uninstalling DVBViewer will not happen the next couple of weeks, now that that is my working backup during the European Championship!

    I will try to get my hands on another Floppy card tomorrow, just to verify if it is a problem with the hardware. That being said, it did not make any difference to reinstall the current firmware version...

    Goodnight:mad: - Time to get a couple of hours before negotiating new salary with the big boss at 9 a.m. :cool:

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