How to manually edit basichome.xml to launch other plugins (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 7, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
So there are 2 open menu items in the second menu of the Titan skin. So how do I manually edit basichome.xml to have those 2 items call other plugins?

I have no idea where to start! Thanks :)


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  • February 25, 2010
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    I have successfully replaced the radio button with myvideos and the trakt button with Emulators 2. I did this by editing the basichome.xml and include.BasicHomeButton.trakt.xml files. I did this as a quick fix until something better comes along.

    1. Open C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titanbasichome.xml
    2. Under section labelled <!-- :: ITEM IMAGES :: -->
    3. Find the section labelled <description>BasicHome Radio NoFocus</description>
    4. Change <texture>basichome_button_radio.png</texture> to <texture>basichome_button_movies.png</texture>
    5. Under the section <!-- :: BUTTONS:: -->
    6. Find <description>BasicHome Radio</description>
    7. Change to <hyperlink>6</hyperlink>
    8. Change to <label>Video</label>

    This should change the radio button on the first page to a second videos icon. If you set the default to moving pictures in the settings you should have both.

    I edited the include.BasicHomeButton.trakt.xml and changed
    1. <hyperlink>7942</hyperlink>
    2. <label>Games</label>

    I got the hyperlink numbers from the Avalon basic home editor so if you want to change the buttons to something else that is a useful tool.


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
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    The hyperlink ID number can be found by opening the target plugins skin file in notepad and looking at the top of the file for the ID.


    Portal Pro
    February 28, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America
    I apologize for bumping. Just wanted to say thanks for this! It's worked perfectly for me :) Is there a way to change TV (not TV series) to another plugin? It doesn't seem to have a hyperlink.


    New Member
    October 22, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I have to give massive thanks to justinbyoung and kiwijunglist.
    I have been frustrated by the "Radio" and "TV" button on the first page of the home screen on Titan. I don't use MP for TV and can't seem to find a radio plugin for MP1.3 (and probably wouldn't use it anyway).
    After reading this post I have managed (with very little programming knowledge) to get rid of both buttons and replaced them with "online videos" and "settings", both of which I do use. I have even managed to change both picures and headings to match.
    I have even managed to get rid of the pop up menu for the TV button (which I am very impressed with myself for managing). The only thing I have been stumped on (if I am going to be totally anal) is to get rid of the 3 lines at the corner of the origionaly labled TV button denoting the pop up menu, I gave in before totaly wrecking it.


    New Member
    October 22, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    It has just taken me 20 mins to work out what to do with the information you have given, but I have cracked it. Told you I was a programming novice.
    I already have a first born, but I will consider changing her name to Mike.

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