1.29.0 IPTV does not consistently connect. Mediaportal client times out before Tv Server establishes timeshifting? (2 Viewers)


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  • August 17, 2014
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    @doskabouter I apologize about not getting back with you, I didn't get a notification that there had been a reply to the thread. I've been busy trying all kinds of things and today I think I may have stumbled across something. All of the links that are given to me redirect to another server and it seems that this might be where things are failing.

    And one other weird part. I purchased another iptv subscription (different service) this morning to help troubleshoot. All of the links were good when I read them into the server this morning but at this moment they are failing just like the other provider in the log snippet below, which really puzzles me. It's like this behavior is being saved somewhere, just to mess with my head lol.

    I will try to set up like you suggested in your above post but I am brain dead right now so maybe tomorrow.

    When the connection fails, there is no acknowledgement that redirection was detected. Not sure if the website or MP failed here.
    14-08-2021 16:08:04.099 [ 508] [{9E0DD0B7-3216-482F-A872-EC33D02EF51A}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): Start
    14-08-2021 16:08:04.155 [ 508] [{9E0DD0B7-3216-482F-A872-EC33D02EF51A}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): internet family: AF_INET
    14-08-2021 16:08:04.211 [ 508] [{9E0DD0B7-3216-482F-A872-EC33D02EF51A}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): End
    14-08-2021 16:08:04.341 [ 508] [{9E0DD0B7-3216-482F-A872-EC33D02EF51A}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ReceiveData(): HTTP return code: 302
    14-08-2021 16:08:04.345 [2ae8] [{C33C411C-2666-416A-8C02-830CE99C143A}] [Info]    MPIPTVSourceStream: Run(): result: 00000000
    14-08-2021 16:08:04.346 [2ae8] [{C33C411C-2666-416A-8C02-830CE99C143A}] [Info]    MPIPTVSourceStream: Run(): End
    14-08-2021 16:08:04.549 [1804] [{C33C411C-2666-416A-8C02-830CE99C143A}] [Info]    MPIPTVSourceStream: DoBufferProcessingLoop(): stop suppressing data
    14-08-2021 16:08:44.470 [1804] [{C33C411C-2666-416A-8C02-830CE99C143A}] [Info]    MPIPTVSourceStream: DoBufferProcessingLoop(): End
    14-08-2021 16:08:44.472 [1804] [{C33C411C-2666-416A-8C02-830CE99C143A}] [Info]    MPIPTVSourceStream: OnThreadDestroy(): Start
    14-08-2021 16:08:44.474 [ 508] [{C33C411C-2666-416A-8C02-830CE99C143A}] [Info]    MPIPTVSourceStream: ReceiveDataWorker(): End
    14-08-2021 16:08:44.475 [1804] [{9E0DD0B7-3216-482F-A872-EC33D02EF51A}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: CloseConnection(): Start
    14-08-2021 16:08:44.476 [1804] [{9E0DD0B7-3216-482F-A872-EC33D02EF51A}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: CloseConnection(): End
    14-08-2021 16:08:44.478 [1804] [{C33C411C-2666-416A-8C02-830CE99C143A}] [Info]    MPIPTVSourceStream: OnThreadDestroy(): total read bytes 0
    14-08-2021 16:08:44.479 [1804] [{C33C411C-2666-416A-8C02-830CE99C143A}] [Info]    MPIPTVSourceStream: OnThreadDestroy(): End

    And when it's good it's like this, detects the redirection and receives the new url.
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.487 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): Start
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.546 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): internet family: AF_INET
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.599 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): End
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.724 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ReceiveData(): HTTP return code: 302
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.725 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ReceiveData(): redirection detected
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.727 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ReceiveData(): length: 424
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.728 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ReceiveData(): new url: http://lbc1.website.xyz:8080/username/password/123?token=GBVdBBF==
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.730 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ClearSession(): Start
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.731 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: CloseConnection(): Start
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.732 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: CloseConnection(): End
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.733 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ClearSession(): End
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.734 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ParseUrl(): Start
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.735 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ClearSession(): Start
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.735 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ClearSession(): End
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.736 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ParseUrl(): url: http://lbc1.website.xyz:8080/username/password/123?token=GBVdBBF==
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.737 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ParseUrl(): server address: lbc1.website.xyz
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.738 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ParseUrl(): server port: 8080
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.739 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ParseUrl(): server get string: /username/password/123?token=GBVdBBF==
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.739 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ParseUrl(): End
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.740 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): Start
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.802 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): internet family: AF_INET
    14-08-2021 15:46:54.854 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): End
    14-08-2021 15:46:55.081 [ 454] [{8FD37028-8D93-415B-8882-78FBB3C358D5}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ReceiveData(): HTTP return code: 200
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  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
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    No worries, I'm in no hurry here :)
    It is indeed really strange that the redirect isn't picked up correctly, if that is indeed the indicator of whether it's going good or wrong then at least I know in which area to start digging.
    Since that is purely within tvserver, installing different frontends is not necessary.

    Seeing that this in the MPITV area, can you also do a test with the mpurlsourcesplitter (MediaPortal IPTV filter and url source splitter) I'm more or less maintaing that so adding some debugstuff or whatnot is fairly easy for me.


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  • August 17, 2014
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    Seeing that this in the MPITV area, can you also do a test with the mpurlsourcesplitterI
    You mean the test on the right side of the database editor? Each one fails immediately there.


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  • August 17, 2014
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    So this morning, having not changed anything, I was presented with a different error that I sometimes get. The log snippet I posted yesterday would fail with MP reporting "Program / Channel Not Found". The error I am getting this morning is reported by MP as "Unknown Error". The logged errors are totally different. The logs show multiple attempts (over 100 at least) for each tune request. Maybe this explains why I also sometimes see the HTTP return code 403 which locks me out temporarily :

    15-08-2021 06:49:14.879 [ 864] [{F0E04A83-D0C1-4781-ACEB-54576C10DC0C}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): Start
    15-08-2021 06:49:14.880 [ 864] [{F0E04A83-D0C1-4781-ACEB-54576C10DC0C}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): internet family: AF_INET
    15-08-2021 06:49:14.932 [ 864] [{F0E04A83-D0C1-4781-ACEB-54576C10DC0C}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: OpenConnection(): End
    15-08-2021 06:49:14.986 [ 864] [{F0E04A83-D0C1-4781-ACEB-54576C10DC0C}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: ReceiveData(): HTTP return code: 400
    15-08-2021 06:49:14.988 [ 864] [{F0E04A83-D0C1-4781-ACEB-54576C10DC0C}] [Error]   CMPIPTV_HTTP: ReceiveData(): server returned error: 400
    15-08-2021 06:49:14.989 [ 864] [{F0E04A83-D0C1-4781-ACEB-54576C10DC0C}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: CloseConnection(): Start
    15-08-2021 06:49:14.990 [ 864] [{F0E04A83-D0C1-4781-ACEB-54576C10DC0C}] [Info]    CMPIPTV_HTTP: CloseConnection(): End


    • TVService.log
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    • MPIPTVSource.log
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  • September 27, 2009
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    that 400 is (or at least i have a pretty strong feeling) some problem at the server side...
    just a different idea: did you reboot the tvserver recently?
    And for the mpurlsourcesplitter: I meant installing that plugin to see if it works better than the mpiptv part of the tvserver.
    I can imagine that the 302's are handled better than the MPIPTV plugin, but 400's I'm not sure that will make any difference there.

    Do you see similar errors if you put that url in f.e. vlcplayer?
    for https it could also be that the computers clock is out of sync


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  • August 17, 2014
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    that 400 is (or at least i have a pretty strong feeling) some problem at the server side...
    I agree,and it's not a consistent error so one would think so.

    I do reboot quite a bit, but I don't believe I rebooted between last night and this morning. I honestly don't remember though. I don't recall every noticing a correlation with the different errors and rebooting but I'll pay more attention now.

    I have always had the MPITV plugin installed. For some reason I always thought it was required. I'll uninstall it a bit later and see how it performs tonight.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "f.e." vlcplayer, but I have been using vlc or mpc-hc as my backups. They both have always connected instantly and no problems so far but, it's a very limited experience. Which is why I prefer the home theater setup (and all of us here I assume :)). Also, none of the urls are https

    I forgot to mention that about a week ago, I installed a MP server / client on a laptop. Just to prove to myself that it wasn't a bad install on my regular server. It exhibits the same problems so I haven't messed with it anymore since then. I never did get the 200 or so channels I use loaded on it.
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  • September 27, 2009
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    rebooting was an issue I had a while ago, somehow network connections were not completely cleanup and after a year or so I couldn't connect to anything anymore. But in your case I suspect isn't the cause.
    Mind you, if you connect through tvservice, the downloading of the stream is done by your server-pc, and could theoretically differ from when you play the stream on your client.

    And MPIPTV is indeed needed, but MPUrlSourcesplitter is it's (somewhat newer) successor and should work too (if not better)


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  • August 17, 2014
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    Ha, I was just composing an update for you.
    I was wondering if there were some things being saved somewhere. I've looked for a cache, I did find a stale file in MPIPTV Source from 2020 and deleted it but nothing really changed. I also flushed my DNS which did not help either.
    I misspoke I about MPIPTV, I was thinking of the plugin. I did try it without it with no apparent change in behavior
    So, today, different symptoms... but at least they are the same symptoms on both my laptop server and main server. I now have two providers for troubleshooting,you might remember. So, on both servers. Provider 2 is working perfectly, in fact, I don't think I've ever seen it change channels so fast with iptv. However, with provider 1 on both servers, I'm getting a 401 Unauthorized error. Both can still connect fine through VLC though. So I'm suspicious of that error. Right now, I've got the laptop on MP v1.28 and the main server on 1.26. Both have the plugin installed.


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  • September 27, 2009
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    hm, it could be that you need some extra headers at the request (for my provider it requires a user-agent)
    Could that be it? And have you contacted your provider with your issues?


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    I did ask provider 1 if anything had changed in the last month and he denied anything was done. No one else is complaining so it would be hard to convince him but I can approach him again. Still though, I have been having problems intermittently with provider 2 also. It just happens that today it is perfect. Fortunately the reseller has both providers I will ask him about the headers and see if he can help me with that info. I just can't wrap my head around how nothing seems to be consistent with my problem. 302s 400s and 401s, it's really strange to me. Sometimes both providers, sometimes only 1. It would seem like it was my server at fault, but I tried two. I also suspected something with my VPN, but I have two of those also lol.

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