[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (8 Viewers)


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  • June 1, 2005
    Gießen, Hessen
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    Germany Germany

    I have now ventured at times of the V18, in order to see how the support for madVR evolved. I seem well to have a fundamental problem. When I select madVR as a renderer and live TV visits, then the CPU load goes to 70-80% and it jerky. I run a HD movie or my 3D test movie, then the CPU load goes to 100% and it is to the slideshow.

    As it stands, runs with me nothing about the GPU, not DXVA acceleration, while I have everything set times as it was written here or shown in Threat. In LAV I set DXVA (copy back), but also with DXVA (native) or Intel QS it's the same.

    Where is the problem? Why use madVR no DXVA acceleration on my system? It does not matter what I make in the madVR settings to change, nothing happens, it changes nothing. What can I do? How should I configure best madVR for MP, it's running on my system?

    The graphics card is an Intel HD4400 is used, which would be "very good" suitable according to various forums for madVR.


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  • April 3, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    It does not matter what I make in the madVR settings to change, nothing happens, it changes nothing
    hard to guess,
    but first step - go to ya madvr folder and run -> restore default settings.bat
    second one - disable exclusive mode in madvr general settings

    my problems can occur anywhere from 3 to 28 minutes in so far. I am afraid a 30 second or even a 3 minute sample will not be enough.
    kinda same here, it emerges first time in the mid on a docu (timescapes). after that happened i started to investigate ^^ it can occure randomly (sometimes after 30 sec or 5 min most times on the beginning idk, but i obseved everytime a bit lagging before it goes down - atm no time to test furter (kids time) i still suspect lav is the faulty part in the chain, we will see...
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    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    OK I manged to squeeze some time on my HTPC this morning to re-check the subtittle/lip-sync problem using the "standard 1.14, nonmadvr" setup and I can now confirm that it does in fact also happen with that, so it is NOT something specific to the madvr version:). So very sorry for raising a scare:oops:.
    Reproducing the problem relies on a number of actions that may well mean it can be ignored, assumming it is not specific to my set up, which it could be. As follows: I play a .mkv vid. from the start, and select a different audio language with an audio that is not supported on my setup (e.g. 7.1 with my 5.1 speaker setup ) then select subtittles in a different language to the audio. (You might think that is a bit strange but with my wife and I having different native languages it is sometimes helpfull to be able to listen in one language while having the backup of subtittles in the my native language and vice versa for my wife. Selecting the 7.1 audio was of course a mistake!). All is OK at this point but if I stop the vid. and come back to it later and use resume from last position, re-select the language (also 7.1) and subtittles that were playing previously then I get the gross lip-sync problem (delayed audio).

    If you skip backwards or forward 5 seconds, does that fix the sync issue or not?

    Yes, well almost, it is much improved but there is still the very slight audio delay noted on the earlier post, however that will disapear if I select the appropriate 5.1 audio.

    I will be able to give V18 a go tomorrow and will let you know,


    MP Donator
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  • April 3, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    played a bit with my little office i3-3240 :LOL:
    lav copy back and madvr with following settings - success up to full hd :sneaky:


    • igpu_0000_Layer 9.jpg
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    • Screenshot (1).png
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    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    There was 1 issue this morning with TV. When changing from DVB-S to DVB-T there can sometimes be a longer delay, which then on madVR causes the screen to stay black when audio starts. I was able to press stop and try again, however the second attempt created a madVR crash. I guess the crash relates to the previous fail because I haven't seen it before or since. Logs on way when I can replicate.

    Apart from that it's been fine through quite some use now.



    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    just replicated the issue above, changing between channels repeatedly until it occurred. The first thing you see is a strangely low res MP with a black middle like this:

    You can press stop here and MP will return to the guide. When you select the channel again however:

    EDIT: Removed pic related to madVR 15..

    I guess I should have tried 'continue' but MP wasn't responding at this point so I hit close.

    Logs and madVR crash report attached.

    EDIT: This has cursed zip file, the event log is corrupt again.


    • img_0906.jpg
      855.9 KB
    • madVR - crash report.txt
      63.3 KB
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    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    It can also comes from madVR itself :)
    There is a newer version .17 of madVR can you try it ?

    But those values are weird :
    overlay: dst : (82,-2147483444)-(418,204)
    previous tune was :
    overlay: dst : (82,204)-(418,393)


    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2007
    Home Country
    England England
    I think I am running 17? Does it say otherwise in logs?

    EDIT: Yes it says 15 :(
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    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    Ok now with madVR 17 running it doesn't crash but..

    The example log shows repeated channel changes until the screen showed a new madvr error (could not create device) against a black screen. I could stop, but future channel changes showed the strange low-res effect seen in my top pic above. It only got fixed by restarting MP, as shown in the log.

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